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#392984 Jun 30th, 2016 at 01:40 PM
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Here we go, A New CH all fresh and new for a new month.....July.....

"see" you all tomorrow.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
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Good morning.

Will Teddy ask about going to school after a bit of time off?

It is Canada Day here but I will be spending the day with outdoor chores, my grass needs to be cut and it will be the first dry day within the week. We are also invited to a family barbeque for my cousin who is graduating from high school. I don't know if I will attend but GG is going with my mother for sure.

There are also fireworks tonight...if the day is a good one I'll try take GG to it. It is an hours drive though. She'll probably be asleep by the time night fall hits and it is time for the display lol

I am off to cut grass and weed everything, have a good one.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Good morning. Everyone seems to be up and at the day today. I am glad it's Friday. I am glad it's July. It's going to be a good month.
Teddy won't ask after the school because he doesn't talk. He may wonder about it and manifest in some other way. But I won't necessarily know.
Happy Canada Day!

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Drama Free Zone.
What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
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School is over. And I'm feeling liberated.

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Sweet dreams all. No more alarms for me.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
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HI !! sorry it is so late. Valarie put brownies in the oven & then promptly fell asleep. I hope I did not over cook them....Time will tell.

Fireworks--wow I so wish I could go to see fireworks. We used to go every we never do. (no kids to take & Rod does not care) I hope you enjoy them, Sunny. I also hope that you got your outside work done. thumbup

Tina: YAY for no alarms.... enjoy the rest of your summer...

G'nite..sweet dreams

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
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Good morning. I am up early myself. My day will be a slow progress. I am going to start doing things without having to watch a clock. No hour at a time to schedule school trips.
It is going to be a lovely day. I hope everyone has one.

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Drama Free Zone.
What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
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Good evening, there were no fireworks in my plans last night....the heat got to me while attending to outdoor chores. I need to learn to take breaks.

I hope you enjoy your 'timeless' days will be a big relief.

Junie, share those brownies grin

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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No relief today for me. I got hit hard in the gut today. So I've been worked on drinking lots of water and things to clean me out. I think I'm better now. But I didn't get much done today.
Sweet dreams all.

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Take it easy, Tina...Good thing that did not happen a day early. I hope the sleeping helps.

Sunny. OM Goodness. Please take care...heat is nothing to ignore.

I wish everyone a fantastic Sunday before the 4th of JULY !!!

I need to go to bed soon. Sweet Dreams

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
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I hope you feel better today Tina kissie

I am still waiting for a pic of Grandma Junie with her grandchildren grin

I made 8 bottles of strawberry rhubarb jam last night and 7 bottles of strawberry....we are jam ready for Winter. (I always give away some from the first batch)

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Good morning. Today is going to be better than yesterday. I can feel it.
Do you grow your own rhubarb, Sunny?
I hope everyone has a good day.

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Drama Free Zone.
What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
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Good evening.

Yes Tina, I grow red rhubarb...and usually all my own tame strawberries but this year they produced poorly, last year as well. I think it is time to buy new plants. I have been taking baby plants off the old for about 15 years.

I put up the last of the trim on the eaves of my shed...I am all ready to paint and stain as soon as we get a few dry days in a row. thumbup

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Yes, it sounds like you need new berry plants, Sunny. I hope you get the dry days to finish your shed. It sounds cute!

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Drama Free Zone.
What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
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Sweet dreams all. I'm heading to bed.

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Drama Free Zone.
What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
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Good morning.

Happy Independence Day....any plans?

Today I will clean and mop in the morning then DH and I will head outside for some chores with the barn animals in the afternoon. Another full day ahead.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Happy Fourth!
And good morning. I got up and got meds immediately. And I will crawl back into bed, I think. I'm sore and tired. I got some dead shrubbery cleared yesterday. I need to hire someone, somehow. I need the help.
I really hope everyone has a great Independents Day.

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Drama Free Zone.
What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
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I've spent part of the day cleaning up my kitchen. I don't have much energy for much else.I am about ready to hop in the shower. I want my hair mostly dry before I go to bed tonight.
I hope to scrape together the energy for all I have to do tomorrow. I can't believe how low my energy is these days.

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Drama Free Zone.
What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
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I hope it was a very happy day for you all.
I am all clean and ready for bed. Sweet dreams all.

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Drama Free Zone.
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Happy Independence Day !! I hope everyone had a great one.

Tina, do not over-do, you may not recover as fast if you do not take it easy for a bit.

I showered, & we got the girls ready & went to my DD's sister-in-laws house to celebrate her birthday....which was NOT today. 2 birds I guess....

Someone around here (my DD's house) was shooting off fireworks tonight. Val went out & said she could not see them at all, so I never tried.

Tomorrow is back to the usual. WOW !! I cannot imagine doing this for 1 or 2 more years. I will say though, they "all" were napping at the same time today for about 20-30 minutes, so that was pretty nice.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
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Junie, can you imagine...soon she will have to get all those babies ready for day care, then add a full day of working for herself...then back home to babies again.

Tina, rest up...hiring someone is a good idea kissie

Today I have a meeting with the minister concerning our grandson's baptism..then have to take DD to Walmart for party supplies for his first birthday this weekend. I'll be gone all day.

Have a good one.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Good morning. Happy Tuesday.
Sounds mighty busy around there, Carol. I am glad you are there to help.
You sound busy too, Sunny.
I am going to get my brakes fixed today. I'll pick up a few things at the store as well.
So my day is set up that way. I hope all of you have a great one as well.

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Drama Free Zone.
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Well, my day changed. I will get my brakes done tomorrow. My mechanic was too busy today.

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It's echoing in here.
I hope you had fun planning your grandson's birthday today, Sunny.
I'm gong to say good night now. Sweet dreams all.

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yes I have noticed an echo as well....Summer does that it seems.

We took the girls over to 2 lady cousin's of Brian this evening. They did this so that Val could get a good quiet night's sleep.

That will be nice. Esp. since the girls kept her up from 1:30 to 5:30 last night. They then took turns getting up this morning.....: 7:30...8:30...9:00. then all took naps this afternoon. I am afraid they got their nights & days mixed up some.

I should be heading to bed soon as well. sweet dreams to you all.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
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Good morning.

When one baby wakes, she wakes the rest. I have a friend whose relative had last she separated the girls into different rooms lol

I had the busiest day yesterday....on a good note, the shopping is done for the baby's first birthday and details are worked out for his baptism.

Today will be a cooler day but it is a wet one.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Good morning. Happy Wednesday. It's going to be a good day. I can feel it.
I hope your daughter got the rest she needed. One baby can do that. Multiples are worse.
I hope everyone has a great day.

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Anyone have tips for scraping flaky paint on outdoor wood? My trim is in bad shape and it is taking forever to strip down.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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No tips except hard work. I hate that part of painting.
My morning was good. My brakes are good to go finally. He also found a bolt in my rear tire so that is fixed now too. Then I got the shopping done. That should be done for a week or so. The only thing I didn't do was stop at Walmart for my pick up package. And that will wait for another day.
So a very good day. I'm thinking I should do some laundry soon. But first a little nap.

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It's still light out or I would be in bed now. But as soon as it is dark...
Sweet dreams all.

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LOL...Valarie has all 3 girls in one room. She has to. They live in a 3 bedroom house. So They have one, henry has one & the girls have one. And that is why I am in one end of the storage room in the basement.

BUT I have a queen-sized bed, one wall done in mirrors, a table and a cloths hamper---so I am good. BUT they cannot separate the girls, not in this house anyway. There is talk of one day building a house, but I doubt if it will be a 6 bedroom house. (Master, boy's room, one room for each girl, & a spare room for "visitors"....

I had some time to play with Henry this afternoon. That was nice for sure.

I need to go to bed, but I am not tired....

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
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Good morning. Another early start for me. I'm glad to be on a more regular sleep schedule. I function best in the morning. I love the dawn with coffee.
I hope you got a good night's sleep, Carol. Your nook sounds cozy.
I hope everyone has a great day.

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Good morning.

I enjoy a coffee in the morning also Tina, it is a good start to a day.

I scraped what I could off the trim, the thing is the trim was grey and I want to go I have to make sure that it is done well. DH thinks I should use the sander but I'd have to sit on the roof and lean over for that to work on the eave trim. I am on the top of the ladder using one hand to brace myself and one hand to scrape as it is. I'll be glad when I am done. I did manage to get two of the smallest walls stained as well grin

Junie, I am glad you got in some 'Henry' he adjusting well to the girls?

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Great job with the staining, Sunny. It is just hard work, no matter what tools you use, when getting rid of chipping paint.

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Got the last of my cloths in the dryer. At least what I am washing today. It feels very good to have that done.

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Sweet dreams all. I'm going to bed soon.

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Drama Free Zone.
What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
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Henry is adjusting to the girls well. When we went to church last, a cousin of Brian's watched the girls for us so we could go...well, we were gone about 5 minutes, & Henry looked over, did not see his sister (one of the girls is in a car seat next to him) said "where Cora, Nora...Mommy we forgot Cora Nora".....Poor sweet baby. it took Val all the rest of the way to church to convince him it was ok, that they were home. He also tries to bring mom the car seat for sisters when we are going some place. Too cute.

BUT often he comes up & says "put, Cora, Nora, Heidi down" (covering his bases ya know) That means he wants one of us to do something for him. Really all in all he is doing well with new sisters.

I LOVE my coffee as well. Not getting it often now a days, but I will when I am back home.

Painting....UG ! I will need to paint the deck when I get home. (I may wait until fall) It was supposed to get a new coat of stain last year but obviously I was not able. So heat or not I must.....well, unless the can of paint advises me not to. Then I will wait until September.

I too am going to bed soon.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
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Good morning. It is good to hear the stories of Henry and the babies. I hope to hear more.
What a sad day. A sad few days. I am going on to do what I planned for this day. Teddy needs to go out. And better when temps are mild.
I hope everyone has a good day.

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Drama Free Zone.
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Henry is adjusting well then...I also love the shared stories.

Tina, I have turned off the is more than a person can take these days. The world is in such demise it seems.

It is still wet and gloomy out today...I have baking and cooking to do for my grandson's first birthday party tomorrow so that will keep me busy.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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Oh, what are to cooking and baking for his birthday? Curious minds want to know.

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Drama Free Zone.
What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
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