Hello... is anyone still here? The active topics link only showed me 3 threads... :(
Anyway, if someone would be willing to help me, I'd really appreciate it.
I have an old pitcher pump, full size. Probably 3 feet high from base to where the water will come out... So 3+ feet head height... I have no idea how to pick a pump. I want submersible. I've been looking at them.... but many take into account the number of gallons of water you are using.. mine is going to only be a smallish galvanized bucket.. probably 2 gallons-ish?
The pumps that I am look at are all relatively high gph (gallons per hour) pumps, due to the head height I need. I found one that is 180 gph with 4' head height, but in the notes it says this:
Aquascape Tech Note: These are basically set up for 1/2" tubing. They come with a straight piece and a curved piece that have a built it valve. They are VERY small. Suitable for craft projects or patio bowls that kind of thing. They are not set up to attach to our fountain heads. They also have short cords only 6' long and low head heights.So, will that work for what I'm wanting to do?

Thank you in advance!