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#394439 Dec 12th, 2016 at 09:29 PM
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Here we are..all ready to go!! bow

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394441 Dec 13th, 2016 at 02:38 AM
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Good morning.

Tina, please hide that book from GG lol

It has snowed all night and a few more inches are set to fall for the morning....and school buses are delayed by an hour. By the looks of the road, school should have been cancelled. I refuse to GG on a bus in weather that I wouldn't drive in myself. So home today, she shall be.

Today will involve snow clean up and bread baking.

Have a good one.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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JunieGirl #394442 Dec 13th, 2016 at 06:42 AM
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Good morning. We're awfully foggy out. It will burn off before I have to go out. I will go out. My brother-sitter is already awake.
Ok, I'll hide the book from your GG, Sunny. I have several books to keep the littles active and creative.
I hope you have a wonderful day.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
Tina #394445 Dec 13th, 2016 at 07:54 PM
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I have yet to come in---gracious----I think that sometimes when I read the posts in my e-mail, I think I have been here.

Oh well Ceramics today and to visit my sister & my MIL.

Next I am headed downstairs to finish packing my gifts that have to go to Virginia.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394446 Dec 13th, 2016 at 09:01 PM
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Yay, gifts for a crowd of babies and their big brother. Have fun, Carol.
I'm gonna cruise around and then go to bed. Sweet dreams all.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
Tina #394447 Dec 13th, 2016 at 09:55 PM
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Tomorrow I am off to get the oil changed in the car...I will see you all in the afternoon or evening. wavy

Good night, everyone. sweet dreams.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394448 Dec 14th, 2016 at 03:03 AM
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Happy Birthday Tina kissie

I have been busy...we ended up with 16 inches of snow in this I get to shovel roofs.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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JunieGirl #394449 Dec 14th, 2016 at 06:39 AM
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Good morning. Thank you, Sunny.
I woke to a computer that needed updating so that kept me mute for awhile. I will go out today to replenish my larder. The fog is not so bad today and the rains are to come in tomorrow night.
I hope everyone has a great day.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
JunieGirl #394450 Dec 14th, 2016 at 07:22 PM
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I am going to say goodnight now. Even though I cannot go to bed yet. I went out today, only two places but my legs are killing me.
Sweet dreams all.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
Tina #394451 Dec 14th, 2016 at 09:44 PM
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Tina..Yes, Happy Birthday--even if I am cutting it close to missing it--(it is 11:42pm here) --better late than never I guess.

Sunny, while you are out, pick me up some staples also please???

I hope that you feel better tomorrow, Tina.

I too will say goodnight to everyone. Nite nite....

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394452 Dec 15th, 2016 at 06:51 AM
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Good morning !! It is COLD but sunny outside. A good day to be staying in.
I have put out the last of my cards, & made breakfast. Now I will clean one of the bedrooms while I wait on the postman. Then I will go downstairs to finish my wrapping.

Tonight we are going to my MIL's Christmas Party at the Nursing Home. I wish all of you a wonderful day

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394453 Dec 15th, 2016 at 07:33 AM
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Have fun at your Christmas party, Carol.
Good morning. I am up and ready. We're supposed to get dumped on with rain tonight. I hope it goes easy on us. Gentle rain is so much better than heavy stuff. It won't cure our drought and will make things worse for fire danger. But all I can do is get ready for it as much as possible.
I hope everyone has a great day.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
Tina #394454 Dec 15th, 2016 at 12:50 PM
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Ok..I a, going to have to talk to James---AGAIN I posted after Tina----and I went to "use full editor" which is why I remember, as I did nothing but type my response, so doing that was unnecessary.

I wish I knew what was happening..

anyway have messed around with my day scrubbing floors & cleaning my kitchen instead of going downstairs to wrap gifts---oh well, guess I will stay up tonight & do the wrapping.

Tina, I hope you get the type of rain that you need.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394455 Dec 15th, 2016 at 05:04 PM
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We had some rain and foggy weather too but today it's cold and extremely windy. We've been at Ginger's where the weather is in the 60's so this my driveway weather is chilling me to the bone. I think we must live in a wind tunnel. We haven't been to Ginger's since the hurricane after which she had to throw away everything in her frig and has not yet stocked it to mine and Johnny's taste. They don't eat butter or mayo so fixing Johnny an egg sandwich was a challenge.

I have yet to wrap any presents. I've got most of them ordered and have received some but can't get myself to wrapping. I'll start tomorrow.

JunieGirl #394456 Dec 15th, 2016 at 08:42 PM
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It is raining now and blowing wind.
I wondered where you were, Sheri. I hope you got some good Colt time in. When my mother came to visit any of us kids, she always brought some necessities in case we were short on things. Mostly it consisted of a ham and snacks but she could be sure of something to eat when she came. And toilet paper. It is amusing to think about.
I am going to sleep well tonight, listening to the rain.
Sweet dreams all.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
Tina #394457 Dec 15th, 2016 at 09:00 PM
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I too love to sleep when it is raining, it is such a soothing sound for sure. Enjoy your sleep time, Tina. is colder where both of my girls live--I am glad that you got to go see Ginger.

I had a good handle on wrapping until I did nothing last night or tonight. Tomorrow I need to finish cleaning the house & then begin to wrap---I will be up late tomorrow night for sure.

I am headed to bed now. Sweet Dreams to you all.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394458 Dec 16th, 2016 at 04:10 AM
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Hi all..between the snow storms and wind storms we have had major power issues. The surge even ruined a GFI receptacle and blew my hair straightener at the same time. Today school was cancelled because the wind chill is at -36*C or -33*F in your temps. Then another storm for tomorrow...I am already passed the 'snow looking pretty' factor haha

I'm glad you got to see your family Sheri, how is Colt doing these days?

I'm still laughing about the toilet paper Tina, she really was prepared wasn't she.

Have fun wrapping those presents Junie, does Val arrive tonight or tomorrow?

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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JunieGirl #394459 Dec 16th, 2016 at 04:48 AM
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Good morning. I woke early today. Because of the pouring rain and driving winds. It is an awesome thing to hear. After not hearing it much for a few years. But I feel for the people living in the burn areas nearby and other places around. They may have saved their houses from the fires but lose them in mudslides.
The local news even began early today to cover it. But there isn't much to see until the sun comes up
. I'm glad that you had no worse damage, Sunny. The electricity here is going steady at least.
I hope everyone keeps warm and dry today. And has a good day.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
Tina #394460 Dec 16th, 2016 at 08:25 AM
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I am glad that school was cancelled, Sunny. Keep warm & keep safe. Hope you do not lose power too too often. This weather is not a good time for that.

Sheri: yes, how is Cole doing..

Well, Val has not said yet when she is coming, so I assume tomorrow. Weather wise it would be better if they came tonight, but I can see it messes with the girls routines when they come for an extra night, plus then Val has to pack more items. And with 3 she is packing plenty already, never mind Henry & the 2 of them. I need to get down & finish wrapping though.

Catch you all later.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394461 Dec 16th, 2016 at 04:39 PM
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No mudslides. Well at least no homes damaged by the ones that did happen. Yet, although the rains are over, there remains possibilities.
It was a quiet day here. Good for napping with light rain hitting my roof.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
JunieGirl #394462 Dec 16th, 2016 at 09:10 PM
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Sweet dreams all. I am heading off to bed now.
I hope you have a good time with your family, Carol.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
Tina #394463 Dec 16th, 2016 at 09:24 PM
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I hope that your do not have any problems with mud slides, Tina. So glad there is rain to help you have some good rest.

Well, there is ice and such tonight---It took Rod an extra 15 minutes to get home (so not so bad really) but all the media says it is bad out & to stay in if you can.

My Valarie & her family could well stay home this weekend, because of the cold & the ice. And while I want them to be safe---I of course will be sad if that happens..

Goodnight, Tina---sweet dreams.

Sweet Dreams to everyone. I too am headed to bed.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394464 Dec 17th, 2016 at 03:27 AM
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I guess no matter where we live.....Mother Nature gives us a reminder that she is in charge. It is so cold here that I can hear the roof rafters 'popping'from the heat in the attic and the frigidness of the wind outside. We are awaiting another snowstorm this evening.

Keep safe everyone.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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JunieGirl #394465 Dec 17th, 2016 at 06:27 AM
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Good morning. Do keep safe in your weather everyone.
I am cold. We have some cold following the storms and it is nippy indoors too. I may go back to bed to warm up. I don't have any major plans today.
I hope you all have a great day.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
Tina #394466 Dec 17th, 2016 at 09:25 PM
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When Val & her family left southern Missouri to head this way, it was 65*F.. 10 minutes later it was much colder.

BUT they got here, and we all went to the Dudley Family Christmas in their bigger, so heavier car.

Everyone is asleep now but me and I am soon headed that way. It is 17 now (11:22pm) It just began sleeting once again when we got home around 8pm.

Very cold even in the house. Wind chill must be way lower than 17. I am thinking Brian & Val may be staying here tomorrow night as well.

Sweet dreams to you all. I am headed to bed.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394467 Dec 17th, 2016 at 09:49 PM
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Oh, keep warm in your weather,Carol. I am glad you can bed down your family comfortably as long as you need to.
Sweet dreams all. I am heading out.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
JunieGirl #394468 Dec 18th, 2016 at 03:11 AM
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I am so glad the family arrived safely...enjoy the time with the grands.

I have a sick little girl here this morning...the joys of school germs. It is snowing out and it seems to be warming up quickly out there, it looks like ice/snow pellets at the moment.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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JunieGirl #394469 Dec 18th, 2016 at 05:52 AM
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Oh, I am sorry you have a sick grandgirl, Sunny. I hope she gets well soon.
Good morning. I wish winter were almost over instead of just beginning. It is nice to think of sunshine and growing things. The winter solstice will be on Wednesday and after that the days will be a little longer each day. I am looking forward to it.
I hope you all have a great day.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
JunieGirl #394470 Dec 18th, 2016 at 10:39 AM
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WooHoo, it's up to a toasty 47* outside at 10:30 today. The grass is not crunchy any more. It's 65* in here because I had my oven on.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
JunieGirl #394471 Dec 18th, 2016 at 06:49 PM
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Talk about confusing us all. Yesterday was freezing, all day today was 67° windy as all get out and raining, tomorrow the high is 40°. Christmas is 60 and sunny.

So funny Tina because I usually take toilet paper to Ginger's house. I don't know why I just always throw a roll or two in my suitcase. Johnny thinks I'm crazy. Usually Ginger calls before we come and makes a grocery run but our visit was planned on the spur of the moment so she didn't have mayo or butter. How does a person live without mayo or butter? They will be here Tuesday until Saturday.

Hope everyone feels better at your house Sunny.

Colt is doing great, growing like a weed. Ginger has had to buy long pants for him twice this winter. Junie are you asking about Colby? Colby has improved a lot and hopefully will continue to improve. He's on the swim team so he's lost 3 pounds, which is a concern, but he's eating well. I think he's gonna be thin like his dad no matter what.

Bestofour #394473 Dec 18th, 2016 at 08:44 PM
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Yes I was, thanks for the information.

it is very cold here, well below freezing today, but the roads are passable, or so they say......well, they had better be as I have to drive my DH home from an eye appt. tomorrow.

I have put TP in my luggage before, better to be safe ya know----

I will say goodnight now--& Sweet Dreams

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394474 Dec 18th, 2016 at 09:44 PM
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I hope everyone wakes well tomorrow.
I did little bits of things around here. I sent Jonni grocery shopping with the list this afternoon. $135 later... Tomorrow I'll go to my restaurant supply place and pick up some things that are only to be gotten there. We should be set until after Christmas.
Sweet dreams all.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
JunieGirl #394475 Dec 19th, 2016 at 03:29 AM
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Hi all.

We got hit with freezing rain yesterday...what a mess. Today we are under a wind chill advisory.. GG is still under the weather, she had fevers all day a sore tummy and a cough. She has a Xmas concert Wednesday so I'll keep her home and hope she is better to attend.

I hope you are all ready for is good to hear that you will be Tina, I have seen the mess from the mud in California on the news...praying you are spared.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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JunieGirl #394476 Dec 19th, 2016 at 07:44 AM
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Good morning. I slept in today. It was lovely. Now I've got to finish my coffee and wake up.
I am going out today and I want to go early.
No mud here, Sunny. Just howling wind and chilly. I hope your GG is better in time for her concert.
Have a good day everyone.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
JunieGirl #394477 Dec 19th, 2016 at 11:44 AM
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Just got a call from Shelley and Colby has been released by another doctor. The only doctor left is the pulmonologist. His blood pressure, which has been the issue of late, was 102/62 this morning. God is good.

Rain last night and today. Thankful to be above freezing.

JunieGirl #394478 Dec 19th, 2016 at 03:57 PM
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Good news on Colby. I am happy for him and all of the family.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
JunieGirl #394479 Dec 19th, 2016 at 08:53 PM
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Sweet dreams all. I hope you can stay warm. I never went out today so I'm aiming for tomorrow.

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What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
Bestofour #394480 Dec 19th, 2016 at 08:54 PM
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that is great news on Colby, Sheri--- clap

Sunny, I too hope that GG is well soon enough for the Christmas concert. Those are so very cute.

Tina, I see you did not go out after all. Please stay warm & safe.

I had a good time this weekend as my DD & her family were home, so I got my snuggle time in. AND I arranged the room where I have the crib so that the other 2 girls could sleep in the room as well (I have a pack n play & Val brings hers.)

Today Rod had an eye appt. & the nurse did not put as much dilating drops in them as the usual nurse does, so he was able to drive---so we ran some errands as was a good but busy day.

Tomorrow is my Ceramic's Christmas party. at least it had better be we really did not discuss it much.

Sweet Dreams from me as well.

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Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
JunieGirl #394481 Dec 20th, 2016 at 06:40 AM
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Good morning.

GG felt well enough to go to school all is well for now.

It is freezing outside today...between the heat in here and the extreme cold outdoors, the steel door was frozen solid this morning. GG almost missed the bus while she was waiting for us to thaw the seal around the door lol

I hope all is well with everyone.

~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
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JunieGirl #394482 Dec 20th, 2016 at 07:18 AM
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Good morning. We are in for a couple of warmer days so I am a happy woman.
Your frozen door story made me laugh, Sunny. I am glad she wasn't late for her bus. But so glad she is well now.
Have fun with your ceramics party, Carol. Another reason to be happy.
Have a great day everyone.

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Drama Free Zone.
What every gardener loves the most, Begins and ends in rich compost. (Tina)
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