Hi guys/gals - I've read conflicting information on the internet as to which fertilizer is best suited for a 10" potted Alstroemeria.
Some websites suggest a well balanced fert. i.e. 7-7-7 (1-1-1)
Others say an all-purpose is fine 24-8-16 (3-1-2)
Yet, others have said a bloom booster is great. i.e. 15-30-15 (1-2-1)
Meanwhile a couple others emphasized potassium (potash) being the more important factor to consider. The closest I found was a water soluble Miracle Grow (18-18-21), which I bought this morning. Says it's for tomatoes/vegis).
I have 3 miracle grows (all purpose / bloom booster / tomatoe & vegi one). Thoughts on which one & how often I should fert? The pot is 1/2 empty at this point because I read that you're supposed to pull them right out, after they are done flowering a stem.
Chances are, I'm over-thinking this but thought I'd ask.