I had Valarie load a kindle app onto my tablet. Then I use what I said to read free books. I delete the e-book after I read it to keep from having too much on my tablet. I even have a direct link from the Amazon book store to my tablet. But I use that sparingly. Your DD could probably help you with all of that. I will say, Valarie did buy a kindle ( I think they go on sale right before Christmas here) she loves it.
Good morning !
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
!!!! You didn't get my card until yesterday !!! I mailed it before I received either of yours which was way before Christmas.
I think Libby and Hoopla are apps that can be loaded on a Kindle or your phone. I have them on my phone and sometimes listen on my phone but usually listen on my iPad. Talk to a person at your library and they will help you.
!!!! You didn't get my card until yesterday !!! I mailed it before I received either of yours which was way before Christmas..
I can't look back now but didn't you say it took my cart d something like 24 days to reach you ?? The USPS mail was crazy this year. When I mailed my Gifts out to my youngest DD on the east coast this year, I mailed these 1 or 2 days before the deadline for promised Christmas delivery. They were supposed to arrive in December 16. I was lucky......some arrived the 23rd, and some arrived on the 24 th..then 2 gifts arrived on the 26th.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
!!!! You didn't get my card until yesterday !!! I mailed it before I received either of yours which was way before Christmas..
I can't look back now but didn't you say it took my cart d something like 24 days to reach you ?? The USPS mail was crazy this year. When I mailed my Gifts out to my youngest DD on the east coast this year, I mailed these 1 or 2 days before the deadline for promised Christmas delivery. They were supposed to arrive in December 16. I was lucky......some arrived the 23rd, and some arrived on the 24 th..then 2 gifts arrived on the 26th.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
Good morning. Mail was so backed up here during the holidays that they paid the workers overtime to work on Sunday for two weeks.
I have more storm clean up to do today, I can safely say we have enough to keep the pipes and septic lines from freezing....now it can stop for the rest of the Winter.
~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
I need to get some baking done today, the baking is easy....the 'not eating it' is hard.
Amen !! I have stopped drinking my iced tea and am substituting water..(no sweetener that way) and am not eating after supper until lunch the next day. I have read that is good to do. The morning part is easy, but I love to sit by myself and have a snack or 2 at night. That is an old habit, and that is real hard not to do. But that is what I am doing. At least until my Drs. Appt. the 24 th. That day I will see if doing that makes a difference.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
Let me know if that works. I may have to try that.
Snow to begin here around 3pm tomorrow. Wind chill between -2 to -20. They are forecasting cold temps all week, with above freezing for during the day on Thursday...only Thursday..
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
It didn't start raining Friday until about 3:00 so I drove to work dry but it was pouring when I came home. I got soaked walking to my car after work. I'm so glad the temps were above freezing.
Very windy this weekend which is ok since it's drying up the rain.
I went to the gym after church today. I'm going to try to get back in the habit.
We got snow here in Portland, OR... If you've never heard that before then read it as "theres nothing but 3" of ice everywhere in the city" lol... The transit authority completely closed the train lines on Saturday and Portland beauro of transportation has advised everyone stay off the roads since Friday...
It looks beautiful, until you get on it and realize the layer of snow is dust and then start sliding away lol...
If you'd like to learn more about my family and I, you can do so at Corthell.net [corthell.net]!
Good for you, Sheri !! !! We did not go to church today. Wind chill was in the minus degrees. It was even cold in the house. And then around 3:30 the snow started.
Good gracious me, James. I hope that you are all able to stay in the house until this ridiculous weather goes away.
The good news is I finally had time to take down the Christmas Tree. Tomorrow the last of the Christmas decorations in the living room will be taken down and put away. Better late than never.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
We found out that our hot water heater burst a pipe the night before the freeze, 4' standing (now frozen) water in our basement... Can't get it pumped until it warms up, so heating up water in the microwave/stove when we need it, though Trey's discovered he hates bathing in the sink lol... He's never had to bathe in a lake before (ahh, long summers as a kid on Coeur 'de Alene Lake in Idaho with no plumbing), so it's all foreign to him lol.
I'm not sure what our wind chill has been lately, at night it's been about 12 though; the wind has been howling all day though, don't dare go outside unless we have to...
If you'd like to learn more about my family and I, you can do so at Corthell.net [corthell.net]!
Oh my SO sorry James. I don't suppose there is a way you could crack up the ice to remove it from the basement is there ?? ( just me thinking out loud)
So sorry this happened to you.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
We found out that our hot water heater burst a pipe the night before the freeze, 4' standing (now frozen) water in our basement... Can't get it pumped until it warms up, so heating up water in the microwave/stove when we need it, though Trey's discovered he hates bathing in the sink lol... He's never had to bathe in a lake before (ahh, long summers as a kid on Coeur 'de Alene Lake in Idaho with no plumbing), so it's all foreign to him lol.
I'm not sure what our wind chill has been lately, at night it's been about 12 though; the wind has been howling all day though, don't dare go outside unless we have to...
James, call your local fire department...they usually have sump pumps to loan home owners for emergencies such as yours.
The cold is everywhere, it is -minus 33*F here at the moment....my rafters are 'popping'.
~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
Oh my..now that temp is COLD !!! I feel like we should not be complaining in comparison to your temps. Keep warm.
Yes, you should be complaining. ~That is normal cold for here...we will have days in the minus forties in February, hence why we need snow to insulate the ground. Mother Nature dumped another foot of it last night on us..we have gotten three ft of snow in 8 days. That's what I get for 'needing it'.
James, I do hope you can get your pipes taken care of and that you have insurance. Pipes bursting have always been a major worry for me. I have seen the mess it does to houses. Here (for the ones without wood stoves) when the temps dip very low, people leave a tap drip to keep the lines from freezing.
~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
On occasion at home when I was growing up we would have to keep taps dripping and cabinet doors open to prevent freezing. It did work though. So that was good.
I have a hard time making myself work in this cold weather. I cannot wait for spring.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
On occasion at home when I was growing up we would have to keep taps dripping and cabinet doors open to prevent freezing. It did work though. So that was good.
They still do it here in the older houses.
~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
Junie, how far are you from Springfield? We were just watching on the news where their local plumber had over 300 calls in one day for frozen pipes. Is it that cold where you live?
~~Tam~ You can bury all your troubles by digging in the dirt.
Well our pipes are ok..but then we have a full basement under our house so most pipes are protected, and the outside is brick so that helps insulate the 2 places where the pipes face toward the outside. I am cold in the house, but at least the pipes are not freezing.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!! .....
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