I bought and filled one of those trendy 12 foot round, 30 inches deep pools to help fight off the heat this summer, but in retrospect I chose a really poor spot for it because it's not nearly so level as my eyeball had thought it was and there's a slight hill to get up to our driveway if I wanted to use the hose to drain it down the driveway and to a storm sewer.
So I'm wondering how bad this water is going to be for our lawn. At the very least I'm going to have to drain this at the end of the season, but I'm also thinking of moving it now which would require a complete draining. I'm sure it's not recommended, but is doing this once or twice this year really going to be detrimental to the lawn and even our
flowers? We haven't seen rain in ages in southern Ontario so the lawn is already a solid brown -- so I wonder if any water at all right now would do it some good.
I can skip adding chemicals the last week before dumping so it's not fully chlorinated which should help somewhat. Oh, and same with the Potassium Shock and liquid algaecide that I'm using.
Anyone have any advice?