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#108202 May 29th, 2005 at 03:34 PM
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Thought it would be fun to share what's blooming in our gardens today. Here are a few of mine from yesterday. Please chime in and share your pretties?

One lonely, but magnificent iris down by the rock wall:
[Linked Image]

a 2 year old clematis -
unknown cultivar as I bought it on close-out at the grocery store:
[Linked Image]

free rhododendron from a plant swap in Connecticut -
the nursery where the swap took place donated this plant: thumbup
[Linked Image]

I don't want to clog up your service loaders so I'll post a few more in a follow-up post.

Now get out there and take pictures! laugh shocked thumbup (puhleeze?)

#108203 May 29th, 2005 at 03:47 PM
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A few more lovelies to share with you this morning:

Suncatcher Coral Prism petunia - this is so new that nothing comes up on a google search. Wish I had gotten more when I picke this one up, but it wasn't in bloom yet and you never can tell how true a tag picture is...:
[Linked Image]

from my blue garden - centaurea montana:
[Linked Image]

and a volunteer baby Japanese maple luv - found it under a butterfly bush and potted it up:
[Linked Image]

Who's next?

#108204 May 29th, 2005 at 11:50 PM
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plants 'n pots Those are beautiful the unknown cultivar you bought at store is very pretty wish I had one.I will try to post two of mine
flowers/WhiteAltheaBloom.jpg" alt="[Linked Image]" class="post-image" style="height:auto!important;max-width:100%!important;"/> flowers/PurpleAltheaHibiscus.jpg" alt="[Linked Image]" class="post-image" style="height:auto!important;max-width:100%!important;"/>
Hope they come through.

#108205 June 3rd, 2005 at 12:06 AM
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Hey Jimmy ~

Those are nice rose of sharons! My 2 are just starting to leaf out here and won't bloom until about the 3rd week in August. I also have a white one - planted it in the memorial garden for our cat, Cookie - she was white and black, so I planted a mostly white garden for her.

My father calls these nuisance plants - now I know why. I'm forever pulling out seedlings in the grass - the mower just clips them, but they keep going and going... like the energizer bunny!

Do you find that in Texas also?

#108206 June 3rd, 2005 at 02:38 AM
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Snow Bunny
Snow Bunny
Joined: Apr 2005
Oh how lovely....

I have a super petunia that is blooming like crazy though I don't have a great pic of it...

[Linked Image]

I am amazed at my Delta Yellow pansies. These things BLOOM!

[Linked Image]

but I am most excited about my heirloom tomatoes...Stupice variety developed in czechoslavakia
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

#108207 June 3rd, 2005 at 03:32 AM
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wow those are looking excellent!! I don't really have much right now but do have a rose bush (my first one!!) getting ready to bloom it's first rose! it was a little one and still is pretty small and didn't even have leaves and now it's full of leaves and buds!! even though a stupid dog had to pee on it :-( hopefully all this rain will wash it off. can't get pics of it right now but will try to in the next day or so :-) I also got some irises somebody sent me from another great gardening site (of course not greater than this one!! lol) but they are just leaves right now. :-)

#108208 June 3rd, 2005 at 03:34 AM
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Great plants, Fernie! How great that your tomato has blooms on it already! My cherry tomatoes reseed in the garden every year - in the 11 years we have lived in this house, I've only had to re-purchase them once, can you believe that?!? But... it does take a while for the seedlings to appear, so I am a bit behind than if I were to by a sizable plant at the store. I really don't mind - we usually have a great amount of the little tomatoes just about when everything else is winding down.

My icicle pansies also reseeded themselves this year. They were another great purchase - got them on sale (2 inch pots for 11 cents each) at Lowes the first year they were open - they overbought and had way too many left - of course the next year they had NONE! I let them go to seed when the weather got too hot for them, and then in the fall I moved the plants around to where I wanted them to grow in the spring - love them!

MissJamie - so glad you can grow roses, and that they have buds on them! I tried to grow them a few times here, but the deer eat them down to the quick everytime - thorns and all!!! mad I gave my last 2, which were hanging on by a thread to my father - he doesn't have any critters who eat plants there - one of the bushes is growing very nicely but the other did not make it. Can't wait to see your pictures!

Who's next with pictures? Love to see them!

#108209 June 3rd, 2005 at 04:09 AM
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hey lynne! yea I'm glad I can grow them too...I didn't even have to do anything to them and they grew! I just had to water them every now and then I didn't even feed them!! lol. I read somewhere I think weezie was talking about it here that putting tomato cages with the points up around your rose bushes might help keep the deer off the rose bushes. we have deer up here and they can come on and try to eat my plants if they want to cuz we have a whole living room full of guns and it'd help my dad because he wouldn't have to go out hunting to find them....they'd be in his own front yard!! and plus we'd have a whole freezer full of yummmmmmyyyyy deer meat!! lol

#108210 June 3rd, 2005 at 06:27 AM
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This is my latest little treasure - I really didn't think anything would come of this damaged plant one of the tenants brought to me:
[Linked Image]

#108211 June 3rd, 2005 at 06:35 AM
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I give up - I'm having a hard time posting pictures tonight. Part of this might be my fault.

I have a page in my outlook that keeps the records of my pictures that are posted to image shack.

I changed it to text only - ha ha!

That means I have to go and look for the pictures on 'my images' at shack.

#108212 June 3rd, 2005 at 01:48 PM
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Ok, so it's not flowers.. but this is the view from my deck, of my back/side yard..

[Linked Image]

It's raining now, so my camera's not taking the best photos for me. Or, it's the photographer who can't handle the camera steadily Either way, I'll take other yard photos later.


#108213 June 3rd, 2005 at 02:30 PM
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Meg - love your set-up! It's so nice and tidy!

#108214 June 3rd, 2005 at 03:40 PM
Heres some of my pics...

Around the pond
[Linked Image]

Some roses
[Linked Image]

New flower beds
[Linked Image]

G-Mom grinnnn

#108215 June 3rd, 2005 at 03:44 PM
Ginger is coming up(that little tree in front is a "pink honeysuckle tree")
[Linked Image]

Patio entrance
[Linked Image]

More roses
[Linked Image]

G-Mom grinnnn

#108216 June 3rd, 2005 at 03:55 PM
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soooo beautiful g-mom!!

#108217 June 3rd, 2005 at 03:57 PM
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G-mom... Ooooooh lala!!!

Very pretty! Love your pond - and meant to comment on how cute your froggies are in the other post. I didn't know that honeysuckle also grows in a bush style? I have goldflame which is a vine growing up one of the support beams of my 2nd story deck. Dontcha just LOVE the smell?!? Do you pull out the stamens and suck on them? I had never heard of that before, but my husband said he always did that as a kid, and showed our daughter how to do it.

#108218 June 3rd, 2005 at 09:56 PM
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Just was given four purple rose of Sharon flowers/WestAltheabywindowpurple.jpg" alt="[Linked Image]" class="post-image" style="height:auto!important;max-width:100%!important;"/>will only post one as they all look alike also was given the following Katie flowers/Katie.jpg" alt="[Linked Image]" class="post-image" style="height:auto!important;max-width:100%!important;"/>
flowers/Ewe.jpg" alt="[Linked Image]" class="post-image" style="height:auto!important;max-width:100%!important;"/>Aralia
flowers/Aralia.jpg" alt="[Linked Image]" class="post-image" style="height:auto!important;max-width:100%!important;"/>the names are what I was told they were. Eating tomato's and peppers. Sure good to be back online. laugh

#108219 June 3rd, 2005 at 10:21 PM
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Official Blabber Mouth
Official Blabber Mouth
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Ummmmmm, G-mom would you adopt me so I can come live at your house. Promise to spend all my time in the garden.

That's an oasis. A veritable garden of eden. In another words I LOVE IT!!!!!

Would you mind comming to Virginia and working some of that magic up here?

#108220 June 3rd, 2005 at 10:23 PM
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Well, here's my PANSIES, again..
[Linked Image]

And just noticed my new columbine is starting to bloom-
[Linked Image]

My one hosta is getting quite tall!
[Linked Image]

And, ok, they're not in the ground yet, since I just bought them.. but technically, they are in bloom...
[Linked Image]


#108221 June 4th, 2005 at 01:22 AM
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I've been eating radishes out of my garden this week. This is the first time I've planted radishes. They're so easy to grow, and mature fast. It's fun.

#108222 June 4th, 2005 at 02:12 PM
I LUV your Pansies,Meg cool They are just as cute as the pumpkins laugh

Oooooh,JV...I am so jealous. I adore rose of Sharon!

Do you pull out the stamens and suck on them?
WE sure do!!! God's purest nectar thumbup

didn't know that honeysuckle also grows in a bush style
Me either. When I saw it at the nursery and found out what it was you can bet your "sweet bippy" that I grabbed one real quick!

Would you mind comming to Virginia and working some of that magic up here
Man...I would LOVE to travel around building gardens thumbup Wouldn't THAT be the perfect job!

I had a wonderful suprise when I woke this A.M. My "heart-shaped" bulb garden EXPLODED in blooms! These are the "Rain lillies",not the one I posted in "Mystery plants" Looky,Looky...
[Linked Image]

G-Mom grinnnn

#108223 June 4th, 2005 at 03:31 PM
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Official Blabber Mouth
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That is so fantastic. I loved it when it was just the green. Now of course you are leaving me without words.

That would be the perfect job for you. You would spread beauty and loving friendship everywhere you went.

#108224 June 4th, 2005 at 04:07 PM
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Meg ~ your pumpkins are looking WONDERFUL this year! laugh Duh kissies Great pictures of really nice plants! Your hosta looks sooooo healthy, and is doing exactly what it should. Even with the deer munching on mine each year, I cut them back by 1/2 and gave the other 1/2 to my dad - he lined his entire backyard with the pieces! And mine have grown so big again after just having divided them - you can't even tell that I took any away. Next time I'll have to cut back more!

G-mom - that is SUCH A PRETTY lily! cool Do you know the latin name for it? How long will it bloom for you?

Here's another flower that's blooming for me today - just one lonely flower on the bush - but boy is it delish!!! The smell is out of this world! It's a french lilac.

[Linked Image]

#108225 June 4th, 2005 at 04:15 PM
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Wild Woman
Wild Woman
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How pretty are making me want a pond really bad! I just have so many projects started right now...I have to get some of them done before I tackle anything else...and I wouldn't have a clue as to where to start with a pond!

#108226 June 4th, 2005 at 04:22 PM
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Lynne, I cut that hosta in half, well sorta half, last year. It was more like 1/3,and 2/ One plant is smaller, but still growing nice, with a tall flower stalk. The big one has multiple tall stalks, and is filling out, and up! I was so afraid I was going to kill it by cutting it in half.. but it lived! I know I was told they are hardy.. but I have generally been disasterous with plants/flowers.


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