This set of forums is an archive of our old CGI-Based forum platform (UBB.Classic) that was never imported to our current forum (UBB.threads); as such, no new postings or registrations are allowed here.

Please instead direct all questions and postings to the our current forum here.
Community Guidelines
I. Posting of any material which is knowingly false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, otherwise violates any law will not be allowed.

Topics which may tend to lead into serious, heated debates will not be allowed.

We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any posts on this forum. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages!

We reserve the absolute right to edit or delete any message for any reason whatsoever.

II. Posting of web site urls will be limited to the members home page and/or photo storage sites and links to specific web pages if they contain information pertinent to the topic discussed and that information is not available on this site.

Links to valuable, educational sites will also be allowed.

Attempts to use this forum to advance or promote your own web site will not be tolerated.

III. The use of our Private Messaging system array(PMs) is a revokable privilege.
Any use of this system to harass, intimidate, embarass, conspire or entice will result in the loss of this privilege or removal from the membership.

If you are, or suspect you are being harassed, or see an abuse of the system please contact Bill or one of the Hostesses by Private Message IMMEDIATELY - please do NOT retaliate or take any form of offensive action.

IV. Photos which are stored on another server may be posted here provided that you are the legal owner.

Photos must be sized at 640x480 pixels or smaller.

Please use common sense with regard to the number of photos you post in a single topic. array(3-4 max. if they are full size)

V. Images are allowed in your signature.
To maintain a clean look to the forum pages we recommend an image size of 85x65 pixels but we will allow you to use buttons up to 100x100 pixels.

I will be happy to create a button for you using one of my photos or one of yours!

VI. For your own security, do not post your home or e-mail address, phone number or other personal information in the open forum.
Use the Private Messaging system!

If we see this information on here, we will promptly remove it without notice!

VII. Membership in The Gardener's Forum and the use of its services are privileges not rights.

Violation of the forums rules may result in loss of some privileges or your permanent removal from the site.

VIII. Your hostesses and I are here to be certain that the rules are adhered to and that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.

If you receive a message or warning from one of our hostesses, please take it seriously!

We work as a team and we all speak as one...
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