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#114819 March 22nd, 2005 at 10:16 PM
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I'm also adding roses to the agenda this year...the "old man" wants to start "his" rose collection now (of course, ya know who's going to be the one taking care of "his" roses, lol). laugh
What varieties are you planting, Sue? So far, we've got the Chrysler Imperial, Tiffany, Joseph's Coat (climber), which are already in the ground. We just picked up the Oklahoma, Redgold, White Lightning, and Sunbright.
I've had my eyes on the Don Juan climber, the Mr. Lincoln, and a bunch more, too. See, when I get roses, I can bring them home and tell the other half, "Look what I brought home for you!!" laugh laugh grinnnn

#114820 March 22nd, 2005 at 11:40 PM
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Sue Z,
Wanna see a realllllly neat picture I came acrossed a couple of days ago???

Ride The Wave Petunia Tree
***Find where in the second paragraph it says those words,
and right after it, it will say HERE,
click on that and it will show you HOW THEY MADE IT...

Seemed kinda easy and realllllllllllly neat!!! thumbup


#114821 March 22nd, 2005 at 11:47 PM
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Now you have done it, Weezie. I have just got to have one of those! Wonder if I can get Jim to make me one after he finishes up his present "honey-do" list? laugh


#114822 March 22nd, 2005 at 11:52 PM
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There's a bunch of those Miniature rose's on QVC,
I think there was something like 10 of them for $26.35 plus shipping, they end up coming out to be around $3.50/$4.00 a plant..
Not tooooo bad of a deal...
I got them a couple of years ago..
And they are so pretty!!!
There's some tree rose's too!!!


(if you go to the QVC page, find Program Guide, click on the yellow program guide in the middle...
And there will be a calendar, click on the 21st.
*(you will only be able to do that today, the 22nd) find Cottage Farms Made Easy...
(3rd one down.)
The tree rose's are second one down.


#114823 March 22nd, 2005 at 11:55 PM
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I showed it to my husband too,
and said, My mother would absolutely
LOVE one of these........
I always get one of these looks mad frown :p :rolleyes: back!!!!
I said, but it's for my mother!!!! dev lala

I saw that and I was oooooooooh, LOOK AT THAT!!!


#114824 March 25th, 2005 at 02:27 AM
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hummmmI just dig in my seed bag everynite and pull out a hand full to plant the next day,

I've got strawberrys planted, marigolds (around my front porch) Hollyhocks, daisys, I moved a wagon full of bulbs one day this week. (Ashley helped, she told me the ones I was planting were no good because they didn't have blooms --she only want to plant the ones with blooms smile til a bee got after her then she stopped helping. grinnnn

I still want to plant some tomatoes, but I'll get a plant from wally world. I'll cheat and get a big one laugh

I have alot of stuff that will come back from last year.
oh yeah got 2 new rose bushes out too. and those rosemary bushes hubby got. got those out of the house finally.

guess that's all. I've got my patch ready for my gourds but haven't planted them yet.

#114825 March 25th, 2005 at 03:05 AM
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I have a pile of bulbs by driveway at gate to plant tomorrow.
varieous daffs
iris some white others will know when blooms
paper whites
some shrub with yellow flowers kinda like the bridal wreth spiera
a hawthorn tree
variegated vinca
& is no telling what else.we dug a whole pick up bed full with tail gate down and was full to the top of bed.we dug for 1 hour 40 minutes.Then I grabed some waterlillys out of lake.I transplanted 6 hibiscus seedlings,some catnip,some shrub with red flower& some EE& red petunias.
And the kids are out of school for the next 10 days.....THEN they go back for 38 days till out for summer..We are NOT counting days out for summer.

#114826 March 25th, 2005 at 05:43 AM
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I shoveled cow manure ALL day! Do you think it is possible that hubby PLANNED his back surgery to get out of doing this FUN gardening stuff? (just kidding) Got it home and am ready to roll. Tomorrow....

#114827 March 25th, 2005 at 03:58 PM
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I raid rabbit manure from my neighbor.they haven't had rabbits in 5 yrs so is already useable.I get 55 gallon trash can at a time.actually time to finish emptying mine so can go re fill.They have a hog so will have different manure soon.I been moveing the hog-poo to sunny spot in yard and will work on that stuff this 2 more weeks we'll kill the last hog.His name is bacon,his sister ham met the pan& oven in january.& another neighbor has volenteered his horse manure(good on cannas)I'll also be getting some chicken eggs from my sis in TN soon& will produce chicken manure(suppose to be good on citris)

Hey being he had surgery....he has to bring you drinks& rub your back..ha HA dr orders

#114828 March 25th, 2005 at 05:09 PM
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Good morning, good morning, good morning

My shipment of yellow dawn tulips arrived from Brecks. Part of the coupon stuff I bought. I really liked the way they packaged it. Anyway out to the garden beside the red velvet celosia it went. Then I attacked the clay/burmuda grass conglomerate on the shady side of the tree. I will get a place for the hosta and peonies even if it is one inch at a time.

I don't know if this will work but I'm thinking about stakes and plastic bags to reinforce the slope of my weed patch so I can start a second level above the first? There is enough clay in the soil that it stays in place pretty well. And although I would love to use rocks/bricks/fencing I don't have any money to spend. Am I cookoo?

#114829 March 26th, 2005 at 04:37 AM
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gourds and zinnias planted today. I heard somewhere that the zinnias would help to keep bugs off the gourds. So the gourds went on one side of my trellis wire and the zinnias on the other side.

#114830 March 26th, 2005 at 05:31 AM
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Oh Suzydaze...I hadn't heard that about zinnias, I have heard that marigolds are good bug flowers. I was shooting to get my zinnias out today but ended up cleaning out the strawberry bed (has a ton of blooms) and digging 2 lawn bags of cannas! Had to go to my friend's house and bag 4 bags of cedar shavings (my mulch)and had to seperate my lamb's ear, then re-worked my front yard bed...til dark. Still have lantenna to put out tomorrow if it doesn't storm like they are saying it will and have to till a new spot for the million cannas I dug up! I'm whooped!

#114831 March 26th, 2005 at 06:51 PM
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Wow Vanessa were you ever busy.

After the clay/burmuda grass/weed war this morning I noticed something about the incline. It has a knoll sticking out of it. So I wondered over that way and dug around a bit. It looked pretty good so I planted the peonies on it. While I was out there doing that a lady came by and asked if I was planting marajuna. Strange people in this here world there certainly are. I told her no hoping she wouldn't be back tonight trying to smoke the dirt. Next a guy and his dog came by. He was very interested in the tulips since he over wintered his and they weren't as big as mine. Hope the tulips are still there tomorrow. I'm beginning to wonder if this garden was a good idea. If I work my tail off and just as it starts to bloom someone comes by and destroys it I'm going to be horrible hurt.

I sound paranoid, but who takes their dog out in the car to come to a parking lot to let it do it's business.

#114832 March 27th, 2005 at 01:36 AM
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Yep, I heard from one of those gardening shows that the zinnias would help keep the bugs off. I've got pleanty of zinnnia seeds. I plucked off all my dead heads last fall and tossed in some shoe boxes and set on shelves in my storage room, so ashley and I popped them all open and got the seeds ready. I planted chaf and all. I know the marigolds help with the bugs too, I live so far out I need all the help with the bugs I can get.

are you getting rained on yet? Looks like the rain is almost here. all I need for easter, more rain.

#114833 March 27th, 2005 at 04:09 AM
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'wave petunia tree'

Ooooohhhhhhhh Weezie, how unique!!! wavey

#114834 March 27th, 2005 at 07:08 AM
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Right now, I'm just tidying up the lot - I've been able to work the last two days. The temperature is going up fast in Toronto.

7 to 8 tomorrow, and 12 to 14 by Friday. Whew! Hope it doesn't go too fast - the snow is still melting and we don't want floods all over the city.

I'm uncovering some of the stuff I protected with racks.

Easter Sunday morning I'm going down to the beach to collect some more flat stones.

#114835 March 27th, 2005 at 07:51 AM
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I hope you have a blessed EASTER, Carly wavey

#114836 March 28th, 2005 at 05:28 AM
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yep Suzydaze...the rain hit yesterday and hasn't stopped yet! I was sure hoping to have another good day to get the garden in line...but, no such luck...we are flooded now...wont be able to get in the garden for a while now...unless I dog paddle! ters

#114837 March 29th, 2005 at 12:34 AM
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Knee deep in water here all over the place, grinnnn now where did I want that swap garden?? laugh I moved blubs today they pulled right up out of the dirt, never let a little thing like water stand in the way of my gardening grinnnn .

I went to wally world today they are hiring here, I put in for the summer, running my test right now to see if I pass everything nutz

#114838 March 29th, 2005 at 03:48 AM
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I am soooo intimidated and impressed by these lists of things everyone is planting!!!! I am the newest of new "gardeners" (if thats what you call what it is I am doing grinnnn ), I will be very impressed with myself if I get 2 or 3 things in the ground this year!!! If any of you have any advice, I have a tiny (2' by 6') bed out front that is acidic due to the pine tree in front of it and partially shady. I need something easy, others have suggested a couple of things including Zinneas which sound great to me. I am in a 5b zone.

#114839 March 29th, 2005 at 04:07 AM
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Nurse Kate,
Everybody's got to start out slow...
When I did my first garden, when I was probably 10??? My mom had gotten me the seeds that were
in the those roll out mats... I scratched the dirt, put some rocks around in a circle,
found some really good dirt from the bunny~poop pile, forrest finds *like dead tree and decomposing leaves* and rolled the mat out,
and watered...
Mine was full of zinnia's, big~tall ones'..
I was so proud of my self..
That was UMPTEEN years ago, and have advanced my gardening skills 10 fold since then.

And even though I have been gardening for a bunch of years now, I just did seeds for the FIRST TIME last year, and quite proud of my self for my success rate..

So, don't be so down on your self, you'll be a
gardener on a grand scale in no time flat..
Just takes a wee~bit of patients, alot of experimenting, a bunch of failures, a bunch of hours reading and learning and enjoying a wonderful time..

Don't give up, even if you have a set back or two, *or three* wink that's bound to happen...
You'll find your niche of gardening and then go on to be one of those gardener's posting allllll those things to garden with and then be able to help another new gardener into spring planting...


P/S Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum by the way, we are very glad you found us!!!! thumbup

#114840 March 29th, 2005 at 04:14 PM
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They have the zinnia that are shorter if you want to do those rather than the big ones but I think they like sun. Peonies are a personal favorite of mine and I planted some for the first time this year. They like partial shade and 6.5 to 7.0 ph which is alittle acidic. And they come in some lovely colors. I had hoped to intersperse them with some hosta but it didn't work out that way for me. The hosta are more leaf than flower although they do bloom. but the leaves are varigated and very pretty. They also like shade. I had some lily of the valley up in Washington state when I lived there and they did well planted underneath a quince bush, but they don't bloom for very long. Primroses love shady spots but they are an annual would that be a problem? They come in a variety of colors.

#114841 March 30th, 2005 at 05:22 AM
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Well heck, shoulda put my tomato and pepper list in here instead of the seed exchange section. Major faux pas. Ok campers, just to be clear, unfortunately because I wanted to grow out a ton of new varieties this year and lacked the funds to get tons of seed for each, I don't have enough seed to share with all of you for this year. That's the bad news. The not perfect but better news is that I'm planning on bagging blossoms from these plants so I can grow them close together and still save true seed for next year. The reason why it's not perfect news is that this is the first time I'll be trying this so I can't guarantee that all/most/some of that experimental seed will indeed be true. If some of you would like to try some untried newbie seed, I'll post what I've got at the end of the summer and we'll go from there. Sooo to make a long story longer, if you want to know what I'm growing this season, check out the seed exchange area (for the tomatoes and peppers). I can post the rest of our garden plans (in here now that I know where to put it properly, lol) if there's interest.


#114842 March 30th, 2005 at 05:39 AM
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If you want us to move it, just let one of
us know... not a problem moving it for you!!!!


#114843 March 30th, 2005 at 07:34 AM
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Woo-woo, planting time!! What we've all been waiting for . . .

I went to the nursery a couple of weeks ago and stuffed my truck full of

Indian hawthorne
Dwarf yaupon holly
Fountain grass
Dracaena marginata
Marigolds (Inca Gold)

and spent the last two weekends planting (ouch, my aching back) in between rain showers (and a couple of torrential downpours).

Lowe's had some very nice Boston fern hanging baskets that I couldn't pass up, so four of them are now hanging on the porch. It didn't take long for the wrens to find them, it's neat to watch them zipping back and forth and hopping about on the porch railings.

Everything is in the ground now except for the azaleas and fountain grass. I have to start my next big project of building a raised bed for the azaleas this weekend because the ground is way to rooty to dig (underneath a huge sweetgum tree). Still trying to decide what type of raised bed to build.

A couple of weeks ago I cut back all the monkey grass and liriope, they are now growing back furiously and are nice and green.

Is this the best season of the year, or what? muggs

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