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#121682 August 28th, 2005 at 11:42 PM
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Princess day 19 congrats.

Mary day 22 congrats. Glad to keep track for you. As long as someone is willing to keep track of me while I'm keeping track so we don't both get lost lol.

Fernie, Lynne and all you weight losing officianodo's I'm rooting for you. I haven't jumped on the band wagon yet but I'm getting motivated. But you know that desire to eat all the things that your affraid you are never going to get to eat again phase? Yep I think that is definitely trying to run me down about now. So while I play chicken with the refrigerator and grocery store you all have a great day.

#121683 September 1st, 2005 at 10:41 PM
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Princess day 23 congrats. Sorry I missed your 3 week anniversary. I get forgetful sometimes.

Mary day 26 congrats.

Fernie, Lynne and all you weight losing officianodo's I'm rooting for you.

#121684 September 1st, 2005 at 10:48 PM
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Hi TK - where've you been hiding these past few days?

Can't say I'm in the weight losing category these past weeks - am at a fluctuating weight - up 2 lbs and back down again - back and forth...

Congrats to all you non-smokers and weight losers
( laugh not meaning to call you losers or anything laugh Duh kissies )!
Keep up the great work!

#121685 September 1st, 2005 at 11:12 PM
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Congrats everyone well done!! wavey thumbup

#121686 September 2nd, 2005 at 01:21 AM
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Wow, awesome for everyone!! TK, what day is this for you??

I think I lost 10 lbs this week. But, it's only because I can barely eat, the tummy hurts so. I'm sure once I feel better, I'll put it back on in a day. :rolleyes:


#121687 September 2nd, 2005 at 02:12 AM
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It might be the gum chewing diet. I chew gum a lot instead of eating to pass the time.
Actually, chewing gum makes your digestive juices flow...its good for you. thumbup

I tend to believe concentrating on just carbs or just fats or just one bad thing isn't good for a person either.
The South Beach Diet does not focus on carbs, rather, it looks at the sugars that your body does not need. The only time it is anything like the Atkins Diet is the first 2 weeks when you purge your body of all sugar...after that, you slowly add things back and find out exactly what things makes your body gain the weight. Its a very good diet...and more times than not, people find themselves not needed things like blood pressure medicine, insuline, and other things like that when they are on this diet. I would strongly recommend getting the book from the library and reading, if nothing else, the first 2 chapters. Its very interesting...and the author has a good sense of humor.

#121688 September 2nd, 2005 at 10:18 AM
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I've missed a post here somewhere and am to lazy to look for it. I am so bad.

Sorry I've been missing a few days. Some days get away from me and I have no idea what happens. I don't know how many days it's been for me. I only wanted to keep track for the first six weeks. After that it's all about a new way of life. One that doesn't include cigarettes.

I was at the library this week I wish I'd have thought to look up that book. But I read an Elizabeth Lowell story instead. I so like her love stories.

Lynne dieting isn't a steady downward plunge for most women. Our systems just don't work that way. So don't lose faith. It's working even when there isn't anything to show or it moves backwards a ways. I'm there for you everyday. Just do what you can, that's the important part. I love you and know you are doing great.

Everyone congrats on all the work you did today on your positive changes.

#121689 September 4th, 2005 at 02:33 AM
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Princess day 25 congrats.

Mary day 28 congrats 4 weeks look at you go.

Fernie, Lynne Meg and all you weight losing people my hat is off to you. Meg I know what you mean weight loss due to illness comes right back and I think it needs to because you are lossing necessary liquids and stuff that your body needs.

I just realized where some of my excess hunger pains maybe comming from. It's the lack of nicotine in my system lol. Lord I am so slow sometimes I go backwards when I am standing still. Well I guess I'll research some natural appitite suppressants. I bet their are some things that are good for that. That are not bad for you.

#121690 September 4th, 2005 at 02:51 AM
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Well I guess I'll research some natural appitite suppressants. I bet their are some things that are good for that. That are not bad for you.
TK - when you find out what they are... share them with us all, please!!!

I have lost back 4 of the 5lbs. that I gained back - mostly from the constant fighting with my daughter lately and nerves. It's really really hard though, not to reach for junk food for comfort - believe me... I've been needing much of that lately.

So, 1 more to go to get down to the 19, and then I'm on my way! I'm more determined than ever - have some parties coming up with people I haven't seen for a while, and would like to dazzle them with my weight loss! laugh kissies

#121691 September 4th, 2005 at 06:12 AM
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LOL, I think you are amazing. I couldn't possible watch my weight with a husband and child in the house. See I can have a candy, junk food, empty calorie free house. But how do you do that with children and a husband. So I think you are doing stupendous. According to the nutritionist my problem is the amount of meat in my diet. What I "need" is 5 1/2 ounces a day, what I eat is closer to two pounds per day. And I either eat it or feel really really hungry. So that's what I'm going to look into. The nutritionist said that if I cut back gradually I might be able to pull it off. That's going to take a lot of concentration but I'm going to try to keep track of the meat. Like today at the grocery store I didn't buy any breakfast meats and will change to whole grain cereals instead. Since I am needless to say somewhat short of the six servings of grain I am suppose to have per day.

I'm not stepping back on a scale until I'm back down to a size 16 or at least think I am lol. I'm back into my 18's now and that's just doing the water and working in the garden and not eating masses of starch everyday. So I think I can do it. Let see the last time I was weighed was in the winter and that was 218 pounds. So hopefully by the end of this winter it will be 180 or at least that is the goal I'm going to set as of now lol. Crossing all crossable parts for luck. Does that sound reasonable?

#121692 September 4th, 2005 at 08:14 AM
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I think it's very doable TK. And you sound like you're on a good road to changing some of your habits - like having healthy cereal instead of breakfast meats. thumbup

I'm wondering... do you think you feel the need for so much meat because of the protein it provides? I usually only have meat, fish, or poultry at dinnertime, but start to feel very headachy if I don't have protein by mid-day. Usually cottage cheese and fruit, whole grain cereal and fruit with skim milk if I didn't have breakfast earlier, yogurt and fruit and bagel. Not a lot of protein... but some

I can't tell you how much it helps to be able to discuss all this here with you guys. My mom, while being heavy for most of her life until recently due to her illnesses, was always very critical of the fact that I was a chubby kid. Now that I look back on my pictures, I really wasn't all that chubby - a bit overweight, but never larger than a size 9 through my teen years. I started gaining a little in college and then more after I had my kids. After each birth was when I gained my weight - gained very little during each - crazy, huh?

Then, the last 2 winters I gained a lot of weight from emotional eating. Went down a bit last summer, then REALLY gained a bunch this past winter, but am making a much more concerted effort this time, and the encouragement here is priceless!

You can do it, Tammy! We'll do it together!

Here's our new slogan...


#121693 September 4th, 2005 at 11:39 AM
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I love it!!!!!!!!!!


That is a great slogan. I'm not very familar with nutrition or how the body reacts to types of food. And I don't learn information as well as I used to. It gets turned around in my brain and frequently comes out all wrong. So maybe I'll look at websites and if I see anything with information that seems to pertain I'll add a link here. That should help? Once we talk it over I think I might understand it better.

I know what you mean about the midday headache. If I forget to eat until late afternoon that happens to me to. Not that that happens all that often lol. When my disability caught up with me and I couldn't work my activity level went way down and that and my x-boyfriends heavily starch layden meals just put the weight on me in about a year. So now I have to try and fix that before the quitting smoking adds to the problem. I really would like to get back to work but it seems from my counselors reactions when I say that the possibility isn't all that great. So I need to find something else that I can do. That will help a lot I'm sure.

#121694 September 4th, 2005 at 01:03 PM
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I've lost an additional 17 pounds in the last month. I now weigh 330 pounds which means I've lost 90 pounds since the 1st of May! I mainly eat low-fat cottage cheese, sticks of string cheese, 1-2 Salisbury steak patties for a meal, or a bowl of Green, split-pea soup (either Homemade or canned, it doesn't matter although homemade tastes a little better. In between meals I take semi-sweet chocolate drops, two at a time, and let them melt in my mouth. A 12 oz. bag will last me 3-4 days (Unless my 4-year-old grandson finds my bag, LOL). I drink tons of water, 1% milk, and low-sugar fruit juice. Bariatric surgery (Gastric Bypass) is REALLY the way to go, IF you are seriously overweight like I was. I was 6' 3" tall and weighed 420 pounds before surgery. I am still the same height but now weigh 330 pounds, like I mentioned earlier.

#121695 September 4th, 2005 at 04:59 PM
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Hi congrats everyone
I had a real tester yesterday, had to pull the washing machine out to clean the back of it. So my boyfriend Pete said "Hold this" not thinking that I given it up,it was a cigarette. So he pulled the machine out and there was me with his cigarette in my hand looking at it. I was very tempted but I wasn't giving in. thumbup

#121696 September 4th, 2005 at 09:26 PM
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WONDERFUL Princessazlea!!! wavey


#121697 September 4th, 2005 at 11:01 PM
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Princessazlea! I am very proud of you as a former smoker I know the temptation you are doing great. I am proud of asll you ladies for you efforts to improve your lives.Thornius I am very proud of you My daughter had this surgery in April I think. She has lost a lot also. She was well over 300 now she is in the upper 200 pound range . she is beginning to look like in the face the way she did in her early 20's she is in her forties now I am so proud of her I am popping buttons. That surgery does work wonders.

#121698 September 5th, 2005 at 04:20 AM
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Hey princess that was one big temptation and I am so glad you got through it. I'm not sure I could have withstood the temptation on that one.

Hey Thorny great job on the weight. I like lowfat cottage cheese I'll have to remember to keep it around the house.

Using the lowfat milk is going to take some work. I bought some and tried it. Can't say I liked it. I use milk mostly in other things not straight so I guess I'll have to work on that one some.

Canned fruits are good but I don't do the natural juices although I will do the light syrup. And I do a lot of canned veggies. I've been thinking about doing the frozen veggies instead but I haven't had a chance to check them out yet.

I do the bananas and tomato juice so that I have my potassium. I was feed some of that by a doctor when I didn't have enough in my system. I don't ever want to have to taste it again it's ucky.

Princess day 26 congrats.

Mary day 29 congrats.

Thought I forgot about you two didn't you? Nope not forgotten. I think you both are doing really great.

#121699 September 5th, 2005 at 11:08 AM
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And I do a lot of canned veggies. I've been thinking about doing the frozen veggies instead but I haven't had a chance to check them out yet.
When I can't get fresh veggies I always use frozen - never canned, because of all the salt they put in the canned ones. With high blood pressure I really have to keep salt intake in check, plus, I really don't like a whole lot of salt and can usually taste when it's been added to something.

You're right about the potassium in bananas, Tammy. My mom had to start eating them regularly to help with hers as well. I just find them easy to eat, and like the added benefits.

I was a baaaaaaaaaad girl tonite. We went out to a Spanish type restaurant for dinner with extended family - I don't really like this place - not a whole lot on the menu that excites me but they all love it there, so I ordered the seafood paella - not enough seafood in it, and waaaaaaaaay too much salt and rice. As if that's not bad enough, we always go out for ice cream with this group afterwards, so of course I had to get a regular size cone of Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Chunk - have to have my mint! My stomache is churning and I feel like a stuffed pig - not happy at all with myself right now.

Oh, wellllllll - tomorrow is another day, and back to One Pound at a Time!

#121700 September 6th, 2005 at 01:03 AM
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i just wanted to say " way to go!!" clp to all of you guys!! I havent written in a realy long time but i have been reading... so congrats to all of you and keep up the hard work. my hubbie is now an ex smoker and after 5 months the smell has finally diddipated fronm the closets his clothes are in shk scary to think it smelled so strongly! in terms of myself - i have two goals for this upcoming school year - to finally get my drivers license and to finish up my college degree that i started 8 years ago shocked mad frown
here's to hoping (and a bit of hard work too)

#121701 September 6th, 2005 at 02:32 AM
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Princess day 27 congrats.

Mary day 30 congrats. WOOHOO it's a month. Can you believe it? And isn't it great. Things are looking up aren't they?

Those are fantastic goals to have hinda. I'm sure you will manage both with aplumb. Hope I spelled that right I might not have.

Which degree are you shooting for and what do you have left to do to get it?

Good to hear that frozen veggies are actually better for me than canned. I have a half freezer and very little cabinet space so that would ease some of the kitchen storage pressure if I switch to frozen. Coolio!!!!!! Another victory for good eating.

I don't go out much because I don't have the money. If I did I probably would. I'm not that fond of cleaning the kitchen after cooking lol. Referring to the Mexican food. The rice was bad because it was white rice? Or because it's a very starchy grain? I'm guessing here. Could you tell me why the rice is bad?

Don't they have that frozen yogurt stuff? Would that be better? Or maybe that wouldn't make any difference. My nutritionist is a big one for yogurt but doesn't really care for the rest of the dairy products. Which is to bad because other than yogurt I like almost all of them lol. I think it has to do with the fat content. The more fat the more I love it lol.

Your absolutely right Lynne. Put that behind you and move on to a better day.

I've been thinking about trying to add some kind of regular activity to my day. Normal types of exercise are out due to the diminished lung capasity but Maybe starting out doing two blocks and then when that doesn't leave me breathing like a bellows add another block? What do you all think?

#121702 September 7th, 2005 at 07:51 PM
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The rice was bad because it was white rice? Or because it's a very starchy grain?
Mostly because I ate waaaaaaaay too much of it! laugh :p But, it was EXTREMELY salty - bad for water retention the next day - and also because of the starch. Don't get me wrong - we actually have rice often here, but I don't eat too much of it, and try not to salt it.

As for the ice cream - it's just a weakness - I could have had the fat free yogurt, and usually try to... but...

As for a positive day - aside from having had only 2 hours sleep last night (see coffee house 70), I'm down another lb. so 1 more to go to get back to the 19. kissies perpl

How's everyone doing on their non-smoking today?

#121703 September 7th, 2005 at 08:14 PM
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Princess day 29 congrats.

Mary day 32 congrats.

Congrats on the 19 pounds Lynne way to go.

I of course have no idea about my weight. I don't even own a scale. Which is probably a good thing. I get disappointed very easily. Hope you all have a great day.

#121704 September 7th, 2005 at 11:53 PM
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its probably better not to have a scale - the small setbacks can be discouraging. its better to just see your clothes get bigger and bigger and only go on a scale once a month or so..... at least that's how i look at it.
i have several large projects and essays to write. about seven in all and i have to write three tests on large sevtions of the bible. its a religious college and ione of the requirements is to write three tests. they are multiple choice questions on large sections of the bible - they make me so nervous, i have been avoiding them for years!!
but i have no excuses this year - my morning are free. the kidsare out of the house in the mornings till about 1:30. i dont have any more courses, but i wil have to got to the college campus a few times. it is pretty far away (at least in israeli terms it is a very small country) about two hours each way..and i have to arrange for the kids to be looked after when i go. basically i am not looking forward to the traveling. but i am looking forward to fianlly having my degree (Bed in ESL and bible studies)

#121705 September 8th, 2005 at 01:00 AM
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Wow congratulations Hinda. That sounds fantastic. I'm sure you will manage the tests without a problem. The traveling does seem like quite a bit to me too. I would be in some pain after only going one way. It's funny I've been working on a number of project recently myself. I wonder if I'm responding to a human instinct to prepare things for the comming of winter. Even though it isn't harvesting things. It is the same type of organizational stock taking chores that would be useful if it were focused on harvesting.

Hope you continue to share your progress on the projects and the results on your tests. I'll be rooting for you.

#121706 September 8th, 2005 at 02:14 PM
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Congrats Hinda

Congrats tk day 57
congrats Mary 33

Congrats Lynne on the weight loss. wavey
Have a nice day everybody.

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