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#126239 June 8th, 2005 at 02:46 AM
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Hi! Yay i finally started one thumbup And i get to talk into it. I'm gonna see if i can get an acoustic ear piece so i can look like a secret agent while i'm out there moving 6-packs of annuals around ^.^

Today, i worked with the annuals, ran out of stuff to do, so i walked around the house plant section and helped a ton of people figure out what to do with their stuff, and then i got called out back, and i had to help my boss lift a 400 lb tube of water garden liner lol. then i bought a new lil 1" african violet for 2 bux ^.^ cuz someone tipped me when i helped them load a buncha bags of marble into their car lol. They were like "wow, those are like 70 lbs each o.O They probably weigh almost as much as you do! Here, i'll tip you for your troubles!" so he gave me 2 bux ^.^ It was awesomely sweet!


#126240 June 8th, 2005 at 03:36 AM
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Good for you - we'll look forward to following this journal.

I keep two garden journals on my own site (a writing site). One is a day to day journal, the other is what I call the 'Master Journal'. We have a big lot - an apartment building my husband looks after. I break it into sections on my master journal.

Obsessive, I guess, but I love doing it.

Keep up with your journal.

#126241 June 8th, 2005 at 03:40 AM
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OMG, Pheobe you crack me up!! Secret agent Pheobe.. I can see And you can lift your weight.. cool! laugh (How's the weight gaining going, btw?)

Well, pretty much everyday, I'm outside for ahwile, just gawking at my stuff, and looking for weeds, bugs, new blooms, etc. Today, I counted at least 5-6 ladybugs in my veggies, and one icky bean leaf beetle. There's got to be more of them.. all the holes there are!! Not a leaf without holes in it.

I also planted wildflower seeds a few weeks back.. all I've had bloom so far is the alyssum, but today, I saw ONE new bloom, it's got like 3 flowers on it, and they are pink, and sooo cute! Tiny flowers tho. I almost didn't see

Also today, I put out more seeds.. nasturtiums, poppies, baby's breath, & shasta daisies. I also have more seeds to find a place for yet.. but not sure where yet.

I hope more of my peat pots are ready for the garden soon. Oh yea, I also moved my WONDER EGG to a real pot today! Woooo! Ok, I better not get toooo excited yet. I'm bound to kill it, if it knows I care. The rest died, except for this one, and one other peat pot with it.

Hmm.. that's about it I think. I did some digging last night, after 2 thunderstorms had rolled thru, and it was very muddy clay, but much easier to dig that way. laugh


#126242 June 8th, 2005 at 03:54 PM
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Hi Meg!!
I'm doing very well on the weight gaining! I weigh 95 lbs now smile I suppose we're all girls here, so i'll just say it lol. I definately went up a few bra sizes in the process o.O So ya i gotta watch myself when i'm leaning over to put the cells of plants down so i don't squish any other lil plants >.<

But ya, 95 lbs, still 4'11, so that's okay ^.^ I'm the weight i should be thumbup I think i might even lose some of the fat i grew and replace it with muscle flw so i'll be nice and thin like in january, but i'll be healthy and stuff!

Chris will be happy when he sees me in a few weeks wink

#126243 June 8th, 2005 at 04:02 PM
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Yea pheobe! And there's absolutely no fat on you at 95lbs, so don't go But, muscle, is all good too. It'd even add weight to ya, as muscle weighs more than fat. wink Just don't go all icky like those women bodybuilders. :p

Where's Chris these days?

It's great to see you back on here, and starting another thread of what you did today in the garden. That was one of my favorite threads last year. And now, I also enjoy the thread on what's blooming in your yard. But, that's me.. I love photos!!


#126244 June 8th, 2005 at 11:07 PM
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Chris is down south visiting his cousins this year ^.^

But ya, this thread is for everyone to post in! I loved reading about everyone's days in their gardens smile it was so cool! especially Cindy's stories about her skunks lol


#126245 June 9th, 2005 at 04:13 AM
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Awwwe, how long will Chris be away? You said, this year? Like, the whole year?

Cindy's always been a fun one to read her posts, eh? I remember, before I joined, reading her slugs & beer post.. I nearly died in my chair, laughing, and crying so hard.

ok, so today in the garden I...

moved a bunch of mulch, topsoil, and compost that were in 40lb. bags. I had about 4 bags of each, so yea, that was a lot to move. But, when I moved them.. there was a nasty dead looking lawn.. soooo I proceeded to dig it up, ran to the nursery, and bought more plants! LOL. I got a salvia "red hot sally", a hybrid sage, a "summer wine" yarrow, and a beautiful orange zinnia. Then, I got 2- 4packs of pretty little marigolds. You know I'm posting photos over in the "what's blooming thread" after this

Once I was done with that, I was soooo hot, I let the girls play in the sprinkler, and I sat on the sidelines, watching, and getting wet from the spray.

I saw another new wildflower bloom open today also.. a "bird's eye". It was cute.

And I saw 1)an ant carrying a dead spider away, and 2) a BIG spider, carrying a lightening bug away. shk

That's about it. *whew*

#126246 June 9th, 2005 at 07:25 PM
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ooooooh Chris visits them every other year ^.^ its kind of a family reunion for them every two years. We couldn't afford a ticket for me this year though, so he got down there and they were like "oh we'll pay for phoebe to come down! but i think she'll get here a lil late..."

so ya i'm just gonna let them make yankee jokes about me and stay up here and take care of the house ^.^ my parents went back to new zealand already, so ya we're on our own now. that's why i've been a lil abscent lately lol.

But ya, today i went in and found out that the organization i used for the greenhouses was confusing for everyone >.< Customers liked it though *shrugs* oh well Duh

For now though, ima eat my lunch and continue to do my rounds through the houses ^.^ omg today a customer was leaving, and she almost hit a truck, so she backed up and hit a car which didn't have the e-break on and went through one of our fences and knocked over a whole isle of plants o.O It gets better.

Then she drove forward and crashed into two other cars and pushed another car into my bosses car >.< So ya, we had a lotta stuff to clean up. surprisingly though, no plants or people were hurt ^.^


#126247 June 9th, 2005 at 07:57 PM
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laugh laugh laugh laugh

#126248 June 9th, 2005 at 08:49 PM
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Hey is great to have you doing this thread, I also liked the one you did last summer! Glad to hear your weight is steady (not doing to good with mine) I lost 27lbs in 2 1/2 Dr. is freakin!
Anyway, today I mixed eggshells, coffee grounds & compost and put around tomatoes & peppers...they are lookin good! remulched some stuff and weeded some new beds getting ready to mulch them. My son & D-I-L are coming in this week-end to help me get caught up with me "new" projects that I have started and not finished...that will be FUN!!! Family yard workin week-end! thumbup

#126249 June 9th, 2005 at 10:37 PM
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I promise I don't drive. I wasn't even

#126250 June 10th, 2005 at 01:44 AM
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I kind of relate. I was sitting at a stoplight the other day.....looking at a new prescription bottle. Out of the corner of my eye I catch lane of traffic next to me moving. So I start moving my car as I put the bottle down. WHAM I hit the back of a motor cycle trailer (empty) with one of those tilt up ramps on the back. The ramp comes loose and crashes down on the top of my car hood. And bounced a couple times. The guy drives off, pulling the ramp down the face of my hood. We pull over after getting through the intersection. The motorcycle trailer is fine....just hooked the ramp back up and away he goes. I have 2 big huge scratches down my deep green hood and $1000 deductible on the insurance.

But at least I wasn't in a parking lot!!!!!

#126251 June 12th, 2005 at 07:33 PM
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Today i helped a lady move a chimney wood stove into her car ^.^ then i got tipped 2 bux thumbup I seem to get tipped more than anyone else hehe.

Lets seeeeeee, i got a giant clipping from a japanese maple, so ya, i'm trying that one again *shrugs* i hope it works >.<

Annnnnnnnd ya that's about it smile i'm on my lunch break!

#126252 June 12th, 2005 at 09:50 PM
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I like your journal. I'm glad you were willing to do it. I'll have to check out the archives to see the one you did last year.

My landlords dad has been telling me that cuttings have a better chance if they are taken in the fall. Do you know anything about that? I'm always looking for more information.

#126253 June 13th, 2005 at 04:39 AM
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oh i didn't do a gardening journal last year ^.^ There was a thread called "Today in the garden I..." and it just went on from there. So ya, this thread is supposed to be like that thread smile It just has a different name and the journal is for everyone to enter in ^.^ so ya, just talk about ur day in the garden! flw

#126254 June 16th, 2005 at 06:23 PM
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Oh, I see - well, I started my own garden journal here - I should have just added it to yours.

I've done a few things over the past few days and have a gardener's elbow to show for it - sore. That's from digging with my hand trowel. And from using the tire iron to hawk up a patio stone the other day.

I hate those patio stones - they used to hold park benches, but those aren't there now. But seeing as how i can't put them all in the recycling bin, I just work with the stones where I can.

I've figured out how to do something more creative with them. Just pulling one up, wiggling it onto the next and creating a point with it one on one.

You wouldn't know what i MEAn without the pic, so here it is . . .

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a>

#126255 June 16th, 2005 at 06:23 PM
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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a>

#126256 June 16th, 2005 at 11:05 PM
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Oh that's way cool. It's a really neat idea. Thank you for starting the string.

Today I have my first 3 branches for the bentwood edging I'm going to start. I think it is going to be really great. I'm excited but I bet you can tell that. I walked all around the neighborhood looking for downed branches that were just right lol. One person has a whole pile of branches in his front lawn but I was to chicken to go up and knock at the door. Maybe I'll catch them outside one day. They have a huge magnolia tree and I would love to get a big bag of their leaves for a break between the berries and my garden. I think Tricia mentioned that if I did that it might slow them down some. Other than that more of the zinnia are blooming and still they are all dusty colors. I'm going to have to be more careful when I buy seeds so I know what I'm getting.

#126257 June 17th, 2005 at 06:42 AM
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Everyone was telling me about the mess outside of south house today. They were like "ya, the mess was so much easier to manage last year. we all just threw it into a trailor and it went out back!" and i was like "Oh, i had to clean out that trailor o.O" and they go "oh wow. sorry phoebe!" and i'm like "Well as long as i don't have to clean up this pile out here i'll be fine ^.^"

So ya, today i finally finished cleaning up the stuff outside of south house... jerks lol

But ya, then i did an awesome job organizing west house ^.^ The tomatoes are all organized according to height and type! and i freed up 2 more tables for all the peppers that are coming in thumbup

That was my day today ^.^

#126258 June 18th, 2005 at 03:18 AM
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Good job Phoebe. Keep at it your doing great. And I know when I go to a garden center I really appreciate it if it is well maintained.

#126259 June 18th, 2005 at 12:55 PM
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Thank you TK! smile

Today i got to work in the house plant section! That totally made the day kick all butt ^.^ I got in there, and the house was empty. so it turned out that we got a big truck load of plants in! So ya, i picked up a creepy lookin Bromeliad! you'll see it in my pictures hopefully in september ^.^

Then i moved a buncha tropical plants to the house including ficus, peace lilies, yucca, dracenea, air plants, bromeliads, grafted cactus, white birds of paradise, chinese evergreen, crocadial plants *omg look those up! they look so cool!* and lotsa other stuff ^.^

Then it got cold, so i got a new Wentworth greenhouses sweater with a zipper and a hood and it is awesome ^.^ yay!

So ya, when people asked me questions, i knew the answer to them! Cuz i'm a houseplant freak laugh I normally work in the annual house, and anyone that knows me well knows I HATE ANNUALS!! I like plants that shoot up every year and come back with pretty flowers every time smile So ya, Peranneals are my bag baby *over use of Phoebe's New Zealend accent in the last sentence required*

Yep ^.^ that was fun! then i swept the greenhouses and left for home smile such a good day! even if the sun only came out for like 10 minutes ^.^ *hops*


#126260 June 18th, 2005 at 07:46 PM
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I'm with you Pheobe.. as much as I like the quick color of annuals, I like to see them reliably come up year after year.. so most stuff I get is perennial! flw


#126261 June 18th, 2005 at 09:59 PM
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Those chinese evergreens are nice looking plants and low light too. Very nice I'm so glad you mentioned them. It might be a good canidate for bonsai. Most evergreens require a winter so don't do well indoors. Thank you for mentioning them.

I didn't think I would like annuals either for exactly the reasons you stated. But I find that I like a little change from year to year and the annuals provide that opportunity without having to find a home for something I am displacing.

In case I haven't mentioned it recently thank you for doing this string I really enjoy it.

#126262 June 19th, 2005 at 08:26 AM
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Your welcome TK! I totally loved the "Today In The Garden I" thread that someone put up last year ^.^

Today i got the mechettie and hacked down the Japanese Knotweed again. Its been raining for the past week and a half, so they've been growing at least a foot every day... So ya, they're blocking out all the light and sending up shoots through my lil doorway garden >.< They're also spreading through the yard o.O its nuts!

But ya! tomorrow i get back to work ^.^ *squeeks happily*


#126263 June 19th, 2005 at 06:26 PM
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want to take a shot at my mimosa trees when you get rid of your knotwood? It grows like crazy too.

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