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#147094 January 16th, 2006 at 10:23 AM
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Sheesh Jimmy - who cares about your diction besides you. My husband calls himself a ponderer and thinks about a subject so long before speaking that everyone else has moved on to a different topic. And yes "verbalizing" is a word. My f-i-l was not an educated man but his knowledge of the Scripture rivaled any Bible professor I ever had simply because of the time he spent in the Word.

Before Pete died I had a regular 30-45 minutes that I would set aside every morning before the kids were up and I had to work. That was the most profitable time of the day for me. After that I never really got back into a scheduled time, mostly because I no longer had a job, my husband was working out of state, and I had gone back to school which meant that my personal schedule was very erratic. That said - that time in those first few months I was closer to the Lord and felt His presence more strongly than at any time before or since. Usually I was just sitting on the porch with my Bible in my lap because I didn't even have the energy to open it.

#147095 January 16th, 2006 at 10:26 AM
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When the kids were younger I participated in a Precepts Bible Study. We met once weekly at church and as part of the curriculum did individual daily study - there were five assignments a week. It was very in-depth and a terrific experience. I hope when I finish school to be able to go back and join one again. I need the direction and the accountability to keep me on track.

#147096 January 16th, 2006 at 10:27 AM
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Ladies I do appreciate what you said about me makes me not feel quite as dumb as I some times think I am. Yesterday while Melissa and I was out we stopped by Hasting's book store for coffee while we were there Melissa found this Bible and we sit reading and discussing it and a couple of the young ladies working there joined in. We were only going to get coffee and go but wound up staying about an hour sure enjoyed it. Triss or Vanessa or anyone we were told about a time line bible that was online have you heard about it or know where it is?

#147097 January 16th, 2006 at 10:57 AM
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Jimmy - I googled "Biblical Time Line" and got a bunch of hits but didn't recognize any of the sites so don't know how legitimate they may be. I tried Navigators, Breakpoint and Maoz Israel and didn't find anything. An interesting topic that if I didn't have homework right now I would look into.

#147098 January 16th, 2006 at 09:36 PM
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Bev, I love reading your posts..I can so relate to so much that you jot down. My FIL is also not an educated man...but has been a Pastor for 52 years...he is 81 and we keep think every year that he will "retire"...I am pretty certain he will NEVER retire! But the influence he has had on other family members is unbelievable. When we have a family reunion it is more like a reveval because now there are about 20 Pastors down the bloodline. One of my FAVORITE cousins has almost the entire Bible memorized..and it is awsome to hear him speak....quite an amazing man. But the real lesson is that he has suffered from severe deppression in the past and has a wonderful testimony of deliverence. (okay...that was way off topic! Sorry)
What I really intended to relate to was your statement of "being accountable"...that is the #1 reason that I like to have a prayer partner & bible study time with another person. It is vital that we have our "alone" time...but I believe that it is eaqually as important to have a time with a fellow believer that we trust. Promise Keepers organization for men..stresses this is very strongly. When they great each other it is with a question.."are you clean?" Which gives them the oppertunity to confess and/or pray first thing so the study time will be pure from the start. I believe there are some things that we battle that we do not "share" freely with even our spouse that can be discussed with a trusted prayer has been proven that you are more likely to not give in to the battle if you have someone to be accountable to....


#147099 January 16th, 2006 at 09:48 PM
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Accountablity is very important. I have a person who provides that for me and it is wonderful. Since I can so easily be sidetracked. And having someone I trust implicitly is also a great stress reducer in my life.

I love these strings and hope we can keep them up.

#147100 January 17th, 2006 at 06:32 AM
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I really appreciate them too and not just because I'm a blabbermouth.

I've been trying to read through the Bible in a year and still have 2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, Chronicles, Psalms and proverbs left from last year so obviously I am not very disciplined.

#147101 January 17th, 2006 at 06:52 AM
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I am not very disciplined either which is part of the reason I wanted to start these topics. I Love and trust all fo you and know that through these discussions, I will be reading and looking up things and getting myself into the habit of study. It has been wonderful

#147102 January 17th, 2006 at 11:44 AM
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Triss I am at work and was surfing found a pulled it up it is very interesting. Now I can search the scriptures at work.

#147103 January 18th, 2006 at 02:33 AM
Triss Offline OP
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I love that site Jimmy. It is so easy to navigate!

#147104 January 18th, 2006 at 09:24 AM
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I enjoy it . You can look up anything on there and even hear scipture read.

#147105 January 22nd, 2006 at 12:22 PM
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I felt so convicted this week of not having a regular study time any more that every day this week I went to school a few minutes early and sat in the car to read my Bible. It was time I would have just frittered away otherwise. I felt like I was being productive and it was the right start to the day.

#147106 January 22nd, 2006 at 12:31 PM
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And doesn't it make such a difference Bev.
I have had a really hard time getting back into the swing of going to church!Even though it is what I love to do...if you EVER start missing, it is easier and easier to find reasons you need to not venture out. So..after reading your post I have made a corporate decission that we are GOING in the excuses except if one of has lost over a pint of blood and it looks like it might continue! So..I am busily trying to get things in order for the morning!
Although we LOVE the one church that we visited here, we decided that we nee to visit at LEAST one more before making a we are going to #2 on the check it out!
Thanks for the encouragement Bev....

It is EXACTLY this reason that we need each other.


#147107 January 22nd, 2006 at 12:58 PM
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I do alot of praying when I am standing at the
washer/dryer.... I know that sounds corny
but on the wall behind it, I have all of my crosses, pictures, and I hang crosses (rosaries) or some like necklace's over the things that I have there~I love that look, and such things hanging there.. *lot's of them from when I went to Catholic School as a child*
and I am standing at those machines, EVERY DAY,
sooooooo, I figured good spot...
*but I also have other things posted all along my route of the house, at the stove, over the micro~wave, at my computer, sink... and I can't help but think about THE LORD, at any given area in the house... *now mind you, that pile of laundry on the one shelf to get put away, is getting rather high, and I tell GOD, I know he's back there... and to bare with me...I might not see him, but I can feel him there...I can really can feel him there...

And I have little bibles, *the one's you can get free*, just about any place along the path of the course of my day too... in my purse, (and I tuck bills, or recipes in there... hopin', just hopin')..on the back of the potty, in the kitchen,
along side my bed...

and I have a new book I've been reading, just got it, called "MIRACLES, Can be yours today"
by Pat Robinson...just got it, but so far I like it...

I do alot of praying at the end of the night,
when I'm all tucked in and warm...
I have a ceiling fan, I love to leave in the cross position, right over the bed and look at it...I have to admit, sometimes I've kinda gone to drifted swiftly off to sleep, and didn't finish them, but I remember when I wake up, who I had or last I recalled praying for, and start up where I left off....

#147108 January 22nd, 2006 at 01:19 PM
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Weezie - One of the other women at school (one of the very few that are older than me) brought her grandmother's rosary with her this week to show us - it was over 100 years old, the gold was so thin it was almost like paper.

#147109 January 22nd, 2006 at 01:25 PM
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Weezie, what a wonderful home you have. To surround yourself and the space around you with His Word so that you cannot forget Him as you go through your day is awesome!

Bev, Great way to spend a few minutes in the car. Center and to pray before your day really gets moving.

Vanessa, Enjoy church tomorrow!

#147110 January 22nd, 2006 at 01:39 PM
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I do that a lot also Weezie...I have the word posted on the fridge, freezer, dryer and the computer. They are they scriptures that have touched my life in a changing know the ones that you hang on to with dear life!
The two on the computer is one that I was given after Dayne's accident and one that I was given after hub & I married...I also play a lot of praise and worship music to fill my house. I have always heard that you cannot be depressed or down when you are singing praises. Sometimes when I am SO overwhelmed I just "cannot" pray..I pray the scriptures. There are so many ways that we can encourage ourselves just by keeping our homes a REALLY rubs off on oyur kiddos!!!


#147111 January 23rd, 2006 at 01:54 AM
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Weezie, what a wonderful home you have.
If you only saw the CHAOS underneath all
those wonderful words... kissies angell ...

Although I need more of them around the potty and 2 boys...*the youngest one really :rolleyes: *

the places that cause the most, um, er, shall I say, Possible Eruptions,
And the devil, loves, loves, loves those reactions, when the world gets the best of us and we stoop down to his level... he just gets all, I want to thwart that guy and take away all of his fun.. and watch myself..
I may not allllllways succeed.. but I am more on an even keel when I know to watch myself...

and you know what, I find it more calming to be that way and just be on a straight line of calm, then to be on that up and down roller coaster of emotions.... or if I let the big reaction out and then regret those actions later...

I am still a work in progress..
and the journey to HEAVEN is not a race,
but a marathon.....

#147112 January 23rd, 2006 at 02:03 AM
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I need to incorporate more of that into my home. Not only the reminders in various places, but the getting off the rollercoaster part. I am sure that one would help the other so I am going to work on that this week.

#147113 January 23rd, 2006 at 02:23 AM
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Sometimes I have to find the reason to be positive..
Man do I know that ALL to well...I have to find the reason to even want to get out of bed most mornings..not to mention being positive!!!

And the devil, loves, loves, loves those reactions, when the world gets the best of us and we stoop down to his level...
The devil also likes it when you open your your mouth and say you are going to church come hell or high water!!! It is storming so bad this morning there was NO way I could get Peanut out! You would think I would learn about stuff like that! Although I had my heart set on going..I am very thankful for the rain we have had such a drought here...


#147114 January 23rd, 2006 at 02:27 AM
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Vanessa, Sorry you did not make it to church this week. Next week!

#147115 January 24th, 2006 at 10:53 PM
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Rain is good but we'll pray that it lets up so you can get out to church on Sunday morning. I was thinking about your comment regarding something profound being said in a sermon and people writing notes and not paying attention. Same thing happened this week. The sermon series is on taking on the attitude of Christ and the topic was criticism. We had a whole row of kids behind us who giggled and wrote notes through the whole sermon and didn't hear a thing. Made me wish every kid had to sit with their own family at least twice a month. I guess that's criticism though.

I finally finished 2 Samuel sitting in the car. clp

#147116 January 25th, 2006 at 03:53 AM
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That is wonderful Bev that you finished 2 Samuel. How are your days going now that you are spending time in study every morning?

#147117 January 25th, 2006 at 04:11 AM
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interestingly enough this has been one of the more stressful weeks of my life but except for tight muscles and a minor fibro flare I have felt pretty calm. And, managed to be the voice of reason during check-offs which is the most hormone driven time in a nursing student's life. I can only attribute that to starting the days with my priorities straight.

#147118 January 25th, 2006 at 04:33 AM
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Well that is good to hear Bev, that through the chaos, you are calm. Sorry that the med issues are still coming up though. Will pray that they ease up and not give you problems while you are dealing with the school stuff! Or any other time for that matter!

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