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The 20 Latest Articles
Gardening in Montana · Gardening in Montana can be rewarding but challenging. The state has six gardening zones, each with different climates and planting conditions. Some plants that thrive in Montana are alpine wildflowers, desert cacti, vegetables, herbs, and berries. T…
Gardening in Utah · Utah has different planting zones that range from 4a to 9a, depending on the region. The state has a diverse climate that varies from mountainous to desert. Gardeners need to choose plants that are suitable for their zone and micro-climate. Some of t…
Gardening in Nevada · Nevada has different planting zones that range from 4a to 10a, depending on the region. The state has a diverse climate that varies from desert to mountainous. Gardeners need to choose plants that are suitable for their zone and micro-climate. Some o…
Gardening in California · California has different planting zones that range from 5a to 11a, depending on the region. The state has a diverse climate that varies from Mediterranean to desert to mountainous. Gardeners need to choose plants that are suitable for their zone and …
Gardening in Oregon · Oregon has different planting zones that range from 4a to 9b, depending on the region. The western half of the state has a mild and wet climate, while the eastern half has a colder and drier climate. Gardeners need to choose plants that are suitable …
Gardening in Washington · Washington has different planting zones that range from 4a to 9a, depending on the region. The western half of the state has a mild and wet climate, while the eastern half has a colder and drier climate. Gardeners need to choose plants that are suita…
Gardening in Idaho · Gardening in Idaho can be challenging but rewarding. Idaho has different planting zones that vary from 3b to 7b, depending on the region. Most of Idaho falls in zone 4, which has a short growing season of only 21 days some years. Gardeners need to co…
Growing Vegetables All Year Round in a Walipini · Growing vegetables all year round can seem like a daunting task, especially if you live in a colder climate. However, with the right setup and techniques, it is possible to grow a wide variety of vegetables even during the colder months. One option f…
Cooking Substitutions · Ever find out at the last minute that you're out of an ingredient for that recipe? Instead of running out to the store, why not use a quick substitution to save time? You're definitely going to want to keep this list with you! Quick Cooking Substitu…
Double Boilers: What they are, and how they're used! · A double boiler is one of those pieces of kitchen equipment that always seems to crop up around the holiday seasons, and generally there is little information included on how a newcomer is even supposed to begin. They are quite simple to use, and you…
Anacampseros · Anacampseros is a genus consisting of a number of species of small perennial succulent plants, native to South Africa with one species from Australia. The botanical name Anacampseros is an ancient one for herbs supposed to restore lost love. The plan…
Anacampseros Rufescens · Family: Portulacaceae Genus: Anacampseros (an-ak-KAM-ser-os) Species: Rufescens (roo-FES-enz) Height Can grow to just under 6 inches (15 cm) Hardiness Will excel in USDA Zones 9b-11 (25F-40F) Sun Exposure Sun to Partial Shade or Light Shade Bloom Co…
How Not to Cut a Tree · There is so much information on the Internet on how to cut trees, but you will seldom find information on how NOT to cut a tree. If you do not follow the rules of tree felling, especially in London, you could injure yourself or cause damage to your p…
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