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11 Entries
Tool Listing
Cubic Yard Calculator ·
This Cubic Yard Calculator can calculate the cubic yards of a rectangular, triangular, or circular area. Just enter the length, width and depth values and click the Calculate button. For a circular area just enter the width and depth of the area, and…
Filesize Converter ·
This conversion tool allows you to convert between various file sizes. To get started, simply enter a unit below, please do not include any letters (B, KB, MB, etc).
Grams and Teaspoons Converter ·
This Grams and Teaspoons Converter will convert from Grams and Teaspoons, it is useful for converting your nutritional facts listing of grams into teaspoon equivelance.
Length Converter ·
This conversion tool allows you to convert between various length measurements such as Feet, Meters, Inches, Centimeters, Yards, Kilometers, and Miles. To get started, simply enter a unit below and the value will populate through all display units.
Measurement Conversions ·
The supplied charts display various measurement and gas/electric stove temperature conversions.
Measurement Converter ·
This conversion tool allows you to convert between various measurements to and from Metric and Imperial units. To get started, simply enter a unit below and select the type of conversion; please do not include any letters (LB, KB, etc).
Pressure Converter ·
This conversion tool allows you to convert between various pressure measurements such as Barometric, Kilogram Per Square Centimeter (kg/cm2), or Pounds Per Square Inch. To get started, simply enter a unit below and the value will populate through all…
Speed Converter ·
This conversion tool allows you to convert between various speed measurements such as Miles Per Hour, Kilometers Per Hour, Knots, and Mach. To get started, simply enter a unit below and the value will populate through all display units.
Temperature Converter ·
This conversion tool allows you to convert between various temperature measurements such as Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin. To get started, simply enter a unit below and the value will populate through all display units.
Volume Converter ·
This conversion tool allows you to convert between various volume measurements such as Liters, Fluid Ounces, Quarts, and Gallons. To get started, simply enter a unit below and the value will populate through all display units.
Weight Converter ·
This conversion tool allows you to convert between various weight measurements such as Pounds, Kilograms, Ounces, Grams, and Stones. To get started, simply enter a unit below and the value will populate through all display units.
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