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VNC Web Services VNC Web Services is the developer behind A Gardeners Forum. |
American Community Gardening Association · The American Community Gardening Association (ACGA) is a bi-national nonprofit membership organization of professionals, volunteers and supporters of community greening in urban and rural communities. | American Horticultural Society · Founded in 1922, the non-profit American Horticultural Society (AHS) is one of the oldest member-based national gardening organizations in North America. The Society’s membership includes nearly 20,000 avid gardeners and horticultural professionals, as well as numerous regional and national partner organizations. |
American Horticultural Therapy Association · The American Horticultural Therapy Association is the only US organization committed to promoting and developing the practice of horticultural therapy as a unique and dynamic human service modality. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, AHTA advocates on behalf of the professional interests of horticultural therapy practitioners and strives to increase beneficial outcomes for participants, host facilities, researchers, and educators. | Backyard Urban Garden Farms · Backyard Urban Garden Farms or B.U.G. Farms is a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) based in the Glendale neighborhood of Salt Lake City, Utah. Since 2010 we have been using organic methods to produce a wide variety of vegetables. Our model is based on cultivating large, unused backyard plots in an urban setting to produce food for the Salt Lake City community. With just over an acre of land we can support 100 members. |
British Association of Rose Breeders · BARB is a non-profit making, unincorporated association, whose Members are breeders, or representatives of breeders, of vegetatively propagated ornamental plant varieties. As a trade association it represents its Members' interests to Government and Industry bodies nationally and internationally. It also provides an economic licensing, monitoring and royalty collection service to its Members and aims to promote the benefits of new varieties generically to its registered licensees in the nursery trade. | British Dragonfly Society · The British Dragonfly Society (BDS) was founded in 1983 by a small group of dragonfly enthusiasts and scientists. The Society has grown substantially since that time and the current BDS membership of about 1,600 is spread the length and breadth of the country, as well as into Europe and beyond. We have three main aims: to carry out and support research on dragonflies, to conserve dragonflies and to engage the public with dragonflies and their wetland habitats. |
British Garden Media Guild · The British Garden Media Guild, (formerly The Garden Writers' Guild), is a trade organization for professional garden writers, journalists, photographers, broadcasters and members of allied trades. The Guild was established in 1991 to improve the quality of garden writing, photography and broadcasting by improving links between the gardening mass media and the horticultural industry and keeping its members up-to-date with events in the world of gardening and horticulture. The Guild also aims to help its members operate efficiently and profitably and improve liaisons between garden writers, photographers, publishers and more. | California Garden Clubs Inc · California Garden Clubs Inc was organized on December 5, 1931 and admitted to membership in National Garden Clubs, Inc., Pacific Region Garden Clubs, Inc. on December 5, 1931. The organization was incorporated in California May 18, 1936. They are the largest nonprofit, volunteer gardening organization in the state of California with over 350 garden clubs, plant societies, affiliates and youth groups throughout the state representing more than 21,000 members. |
Cottage Garden Society · The Cottage Garden Society (CGS) is an informal and friendly society of about 3,000 members in many countries, though most are based in the UK. It brings together amateurs and professionals who share an enthusiasm for this type of gardening. | Development In Gardening · Development In Gardening's projects enable vulnerable and HIV-affected communities to meet their own needs and improve their well-being through nutrition-sensitive and sustainable agriculture. |
Direct Gardening Association · The Direct Gardening Association, formerly the Mailorder Gardening Association, is a member organization of gardening and garden magazine companies. The ultimate goal of the DGA is to provide the finest gardening products, information, and service through the catalogs and magazines of its members. | Garden for the Environment · It is Garden for the Environment's mission is to provide practical skills for all San Franciscans to personally contribute to sustainability through urban gardens, farms, and food. Whether you are a new gardener or an experienced urban farmer, you can learn in our nationally acclaimed teaching garden. |
Garden Writers Association · GWA: The Association for Garden Communicators, formerly the Garden Writers Association, is an organization of professional communicators in the green industry including book authors, bloggers, staff editors, syndicated columnists, freelance writers, photographers, speakers, landscape designers, television and radio personalities, consultants, publishers, extension service agents and more. No other organization in the green industry has as much contact with the buying public as GWA members. | Historic and Botanic Garden Trainee Programmes · The Historic and Botanic Garden Trainee Programmes (HBGTP) programme is an unrivalled opportunity for passionate and committed horticulturists. You can earn a salary while developing your professional skills in some of the best historic and botanic gardens that the UK has to offer. |
Home and Garden Information Center · The University of Maryland Extension's Home and Garden Information Center provides free, research-based, sustainable gardening information. | Indigenous Flora and Fauna Association · IFFA is the Indigenous Flora and Fauna Association and is dedicated to the future of the Australian flora and fauna, whether in habitats of world heritage quality or in the urban back yard. |
International Garden Centre Association · The International Garden Centre Association exists to provide a forum for the mutual exchange of information and benefit of similar minded independent garden retailers on a world-wide basis. | International Lilac Society · The purposes for which the Corporation has been organized are as follows: It is intended that the membership in this not-for-profit Corporation will be comprised of people who share n particular appreciation and fondness of the lilac. By the exchange of knowledge, experiences and facts gained by Members, it is proposed that the individual Members will increase their knowledge of the lilac and thereby help to promote a broadened public understanding and awareness of the genus Syringa L. The thrust is to be three-fold; through education, publication and research. |
Junior Master Gardeners · The Junior Master Gardener program is an international youth gardening program of the university cooperative Extension network. JMG engages children in novel, "hands-on" group and individual learning experiences that provide a love of gardening, develop an appreciation for the environment, and cultivate the mind. | National Council for the Conservation of Plants & Gardens · The National Council for the Conservation of Plants & Gardens (NCCPG), also known as plant Heritage, is a botanical conservation organization in the United Kingdom and a registered charity. It was founded in 1978 to combine the talents of botanists, horticulturalists and conservationists with the dedication of keen amateur and professional gardeners. The mission statement of the organization declares that "The NCCPG seeks to conserve, document, promote and make available Britain and Ireland's rich biodiversity of garden plants for the benefit of everyone through horticulture, education and science." |
National Dahlia Society · The National Dahlia Society was formed in 1881 and for over a century has given unbroken service to gardeners interested in this wonderful flower. We are now a registered charity, which seeks to promote the dahlia by means of exhibitions (shows), trials and conferences. We are the world's largest all-dahlia society and annually hold our main exhibitions at RHS Wisley and the Great Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate, Yorkshire, with reduced admission for members of course! | National Garden Bureau · "Inspire. Connect. Grow." National Garden Bureau is a non-profit organization that exists to educate, inspire, and motivate people to increase the use of plants in homes, gardens, and workplaces by being the marketing arm of the gardening industry. Our members are experts in the field of horticulture and our information comes directly from these sources. |
National Pollinator Garden Network · The National Pollinator Garden Network (NPGN) is a partnership between conservation organizations, gardening groups, volunteer civic associations and participating federal agencies to inspire people and organizations to create more pollinator habitats. The nine founding organizations launched NPGN in June 2015 with 26 inaugural partners and has grown to approximately 50 national network partners in less than two years. | National Society of Allotment & Leisure Gardeners · National Society of Allotment & Leisure Gardeners (NSALG) is the leading national organization upholding the interests and rights of the allotment community across the UK. We work with government at national and local levels, other organizations and landlords to provide, promote and preserve allotments for all. We offer support, guidance and advice to our members and those with an interest in allotment gardening. |
Northwest Perennial Alliance · The Northwest Perennial Alliance (NPA) was founded by a small group of plant enthusiasts in Seattle in 1984. It was patterned after the Hardy plant Society of Great Britain, offering free garden tours, lectures, plant sales and a seed exchange. | Nursery & Garden Industry, NSW & ACT · The The Nursery & Garden Industry, NSW & ACT Ltd (NGINA) is the peak representative body for operators in the nursery and garden industries. Members come from many sectors, including: • Growers and producers of plants • Wholesalers & hirers of plants • Retailers of plants and related products • Industry gardens & landscapers • Allied traders; suppliers of growing media, chemicals, containers, tools and equipment, etc. • Service providers including consultants, training providers, government departments, etc. |
Nursery and Garden Industry Australia Limited · Nursery and Garden Industry Australia Limited (NGIA) is the peak industry body representing commercial growers, retailers and suppliers in Australia. NGIA is charged with providing leadership, support and additional resources to drive key industry initiatives, which meet the goals of the industry strategic plan. | Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society · The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society (The Caley) is Scotland’s national horticultural and gardening society. Members include both amateur and professional, generalists, specialists and many others who simply like gardens and gardening. We aim to encourage and improve the science, art and practice of all types of horticulture and to advance education in gardening and horticulture for everyone. |
Royal National Rose Society · The Royal National Rose Society was a specialist horticultural society in the United Kingdom, dedicated to the cultivation and appreciation of roses. It was founded in 1876 and was based near St Albans in England. It was a membership organization, with members drawn from professional and amateur gardeners and horticultural businesses in the United Kingdom and around the world. | Sustainable Gardening Australia · Sustainable Gardening Australia (SGA) is a not-for-profit social organization dedicated to achieving a healthy bio-diverse planet and vibrant, sustainable communities. It is a registered charity. |
The Gardeners Guild · The Gardeners Guild is a national trade network for professionally qualified gardeners. Our members are self-employed gardeners who offer garden and grounds maintenance as part of their services. | Victory Gardens San Diego · Helping people start growing their own food through collaborative garden builds, hands-on garden education and community outreach. |
Youth Garden Grant · Since 1982, the Youth Garden Grant has supported school and youth educational garden projects that enhance the quality of life for students and their communities. |
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