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Mobile and Coding Improvements · Blog
We've just rolled out a large amount of coding updates and are currently in the process of testing several large mobile usability improvements. Most of the new mobile page updates should improve reading pages and looking at content on smaller screens (under 800px). Several of the coding adjustments also allowed for larger image thumbnails for mobile users, which should make browsing content a lot easier. A large focus was to the Gallery, Slideshow, and Video systems, however anywhere that you see two or more columns on the desktop should degrade into a single column layout for mobile.
The Facebook Gallery is currently offline until we get ourselves re-processed to their API authentication scheme.
Posted on November 7th, 2019 · Updated on December 7th, 2019
The Facebook Gallery is currently offline until we get ourselves re-processed to their API authentication scheme.
Posted on November 7th, 2019 · Updated on December 7th, 2019
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