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What BBCode do the submission systems support?
The content submission systems on the site support the following BBCode (note that this list differs from what the Forum is capable of parsing; all of the coding that can parse can be found in the FAQ on the forum); please note that there is no space between the brackets, we had to add the spaces for this entry so the system wouldn't parse the values:
Standard formatting:
[ b ]strong[ /b ] - Allows you to "bold" your text.
[ i ]italicize[ /i ] - Allows you to "italicize" your text.
[ u ]underline[ /u ] - Allows you to "underline" your text.
The raw BBCode parser data is as follows:
[ blink ][ /blink ] - Blinking Text
[ b ][ /b ] - Strong Text
[ strong ][ /strong ] - Strong Text
[ qb ][ /qb ]
[ i ][ /i ] - Italicize Text
[ u ][ /u ] - Underline Text
[ strike ][ /strike ] -Strike Through
[ s ][ /s ] -Strike Through
[ spoiler ][ /spoiler ]
[ color=#([ a-zA-Z0-9 ]{6}) ][ /color ] - Colored Text
[ color=([ a-zA-Z ]{1,20}) ][ /color ] - Colored Text
[ email ][ /email ] -
[ img ][ /img ]
[ image ][ /image ]
[ img=(left|right|center) ][ /img ]
[ image=(left|right|center) ][ /image ]
[ img height=([0-9]{4}) ][ /img ]
[ img width=([0-9]{4}) ][ /img ]
[ img height=([0-9]{4}) width=([0-9]{4}) ][ /img ]
[ image height=([0-9]{4}) ][ /image ]
[ image width=([0-9]{4}) ][ /image ]
[ image height=([0-9]{4}) width=([0-9]{4}) ][ /image ]
[ url= ][ /url ] - Site
[ quote ][ /quote ]
[ quote user=(.+?) ][ /quote ]
[ indent ][ /indent ]
[ size:([ 0-9 ]{1,2}) ][ /size ] - Sized Text
[ size=([ 0-9 ]{1,2}) ][ /size ] - Sized Text
[ align:(left|right|center) ][ /align ]
[ align=(left|right|center) ][ /align ]
[ h1 ][ /h1 ]
[ h2 ][ /h2 ]
[ h3 ][ /h3 ]
[ h4 ][ /h4 ]
[ h5 ][ /h5 ]
[ h6 ][ /h6 ]
[ more ][ /more ]
[ note ][ /note ]
[ note:(.+?) ][ /note ]
[ note=(.+?) ][ /note ]
[ code ][ /code ]
[ degree ] - °
[ bullet ] - •
[ spade ] - ♠
[ club ] - ♣
[ heart ] - ♥
[ diamond ] - ♦
[ copy ] - ©
[ reg ] - ®
[ trade ] - ™
[ ntilde ] - ñ
[ nbsp ] - Space
[ quarter ] - ¼
[ half ] - ½
[ 34 ] - ¾
Posted on May 9th, 2014
Standard formatting:
[ b ]strong[ /b ] - Allows you to "bold" your text.
[ i ]italicize[ /i ] - Allows you to "italicize" your text.
[ u ]underline[ /u ] - Allows you to "underline" your text.
[ align:left|center|right ]your text[ /align ] - Aligns your text.
The raw BBCode parser data is as follows:
[ blink ][ /blink ] - Blinking Text
[ b ][ /b ] - Strong Text
[ strong ][ /strong ] - Strong Text
[ qb ][ /qb ]
[ i ][ /i ] - Italicize Text
[ u ][ /u ] - Underline Text
[ strike ][ /strike ] -
[ s ][ /s ] -
[ spoiler ][ /spoiler ]
[ color=#([ a-zA-Z0-9 ]{6}) ][ /color ] - Colored Text
[ color=([ a-zA-Z ]{1,20}) ][ /color ] - Colored Text
[ email ][ /email ] -
[ img ][ /img ]
[ image ][ /image ]
[ img=(left|right|center) ][ /img ]
[ image=(left|right|center) ][ /image ]
[ img height=([0-9]{4}) ][ /img ]
[ img width=([0-9]{4}) ][ /img ]
[ img height=([0-9]{4}) width=([0-9]{4}) ][ /img ]
[ image height=([0-9]{4}) ][ /image ]
[ image width=([0-9]{4}) ][ /image ]
[ image height=([0-9]{4}) width=([0-9]{4}) ][ /image ]
[ url= ][ /url ] - Site
[ quote ][ /quote ]
[ quote user=(.+?) ][ /quote ]
[ indent ][ /indent ]
[ size:([ 0-9 ]{1,2}) ][ /size ] - Sized Text
[ size=([ 0-9 ]{1,2}) ][ /size ] - Sized Text
[ align:(left|right|center) ][ /align ]
[ align=(left|right|center) ][ /align ]
[ h1 ][ /h1 ]
[ h2 ][ /h2 ]
[ h3 ][ /h3 ]
[ h4 ][ /h4 ]
[ h5 ][ /h5 ]
[ h6 ][ /h6 ]
[ more ][ /more ]
[ note ][ /note ]
[ note:(.+?) ][ /note ]
[ note=(.+?) ][ /note ]
[ code ][ /code ]
[ degree ] - °
[ bullet ] - •
[ spade ] - ♠
[ club ] - ♣
[ heart ] - ♥
[ diamond ] - ♦
[ copy ] - ©
[ reg ] - ®
[ trade ] - ™
[ ntilde ] - ñ
[ nbsp ] - Space
[ quarter ] - ¼
[ half ] - ½
[ 34 ] - ¾
Posted on May 9th, 2014
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