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#109608 August 1st, 2005 at 01:51 PM
Joined: May 2005
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Joined: May 2005
I know it's not a bad thing (quite the contrary, I believe), but I saw some mushrooms in my compost heap. I hadn't turned it in like a week (or more?) prior to this turn because of the severe heat wave we had. Tryin ta figure out why for? Was it because it dried out? or the opposite (it is extremely humid here)? or may be somethin I put in it? or just a surprise by ma nature? Just wonderin! wink Ideas?

#109609 August 1st, 2005 at 01:54 PM
Joined: Mar 2005
Official Blabber Mouth
Official Blabber Mouth
Joined: Mar 2005
I think they need wood but that's just a guess type thing I think I heard somewhere.

#109610 August 2nd, 2005 at 02:21 AM
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#109611 August 2nd, 2005 at 08:47 AM
Joined: Jun 2005
Joined: Jun 2005
I had them growing in my flower beds all summer long untill I let them dry out between waterings! I was picking out a ton of em each day. Now I do long deep waterings once to twice a week depending on the weather to those more shrooms! Although I have to say my son is disappointed at the lack of smurf houses. lol

#109612 August 2nd, 2005 at 11:34 AM
Joined: May 2005
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Hmmm that would make sense then that they were in my compost...may be I just never noticed them before? Hmmm interesting. But where will papa smurf live without them now Karrie? Sheesh!

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