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#112063 July 18th, 2005 at 06:31 PM
Joined: May 2005
Tulip Offline OP
OP Offline
Joined: May 2005
hello guys!

Its been a while but Im back at it again! And to boot I got myself a digital camera! Im seeking some information about some plants I have and how to seperate a certin one.. I have pictures of it but Im not sure how to post it..Does it have to be from a website?

any help would be much appreciated!

thanks guys wavey

#112064 August 2nd, 2005 at 08:27 AM
Joined: Apr 2003
Compost Queen!
Compost Queen!
Joined: Apr 2003
wavey ~Tulip~ wavey
Sooooooooo sorry I missed this post....
How have you been???????
I'm going to move your post into the RETURNING MEMBERS SECTION... You'll get some more HELLO's in there... and here's some info on your photo's...

If you go to one of these sites, *and there is other's too, just can't remember the names*....


It's FREE to download your pictures too....
Then you can attach the URL from the place you choose, copy and paste the URL, then click on the IMAGE botton, and insert the URL into there.
*there will be a highlighted blue http:/ thing there, either delete it or click your backspace button to get rid of it

I hope this helps..
I personally use PHOTOBUCKET, it's very user friendly, and the rest of the members' don't
have to be members' to view them...

P/S There's some other gardener's that do use pictures alot and maybe able to help you alot better than I did, Afgreyparrot/Cindy, Loz, Meg, Jiffy, G~mom, plants~n~Pots, Carly....tons of them know how and can give you a hand if you need it....

#112065 August 4th, 2005 at 09:16 PM
Joined: May 2005
Hello all, been absent for a while moving house and such. Finally I have some garden to play with as opposed to the teeny apartment space I had before! I'm itching to get mooching around in the space I now have! Yay...

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