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#114869 April 5th, 2005 at 02:13 PM
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Put them in the seed exchange they will be gone super quick.

#114870 April 5th, 2005 at 06:42 PM
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Gisela, where did you find Purple Ruffles Basil seed? I can't seem to find it up here in Canada. It's a wonderful variety, especially in Caprese Salad. I've got Gigante d'Italia, Purple (serrated leaf), and Minette in a flat right now, almost ready for transplanting.

Tarragon bit the dust yesterday. Apparently it hates hot/humid conditions and it was still in early germination stages in a jiffy domed mini-greenhouse. Very sad, will re-sow. English Thyme, Summer Savory, and Greek Oregano are doing ok so far though..very early stages. Fingers crossed. I have mixed results when starting herbs from seed. Some are way easy, throw in seed, ignore, and they thrive..others you have to say a rosary every night and they still might croak.

To the person who posted growing German Red Strawberry tomatoes, that's a great variety. I'm growing it for the first time this year as well. It's supposed to be quite prolific, something the oxhearts aren't known for.

#114871 April 5th, 2005 at 07:23 PM
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Do I dare mention the chicken dance for finicky plants? Probably not........

#114872 April 6th, 2005 at 07:26 AM
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Originally posted by Sorellina:
Gisela, where did you find Purple Ruffles Basil seed? I can't seem to find it up here in Canada. It's a wonderful variety, especially in Caprese Salad....

.....To the person who posted growing German Red Strawberry tomatoes, that's a great variety. I'm growing it for the first time this year as well. It's supposed to be quite prolific, something the oxhearts aren't known for.
Funny you should ask...I get almost all of my herbs from Richters Herbs in Goodwood, Ontario! grinnnn They're online, but have them send you a catalogue -- it's the best for herbs.
I'm the one with the German tomatoes -- my first time with those too, so I'm glad to hear that they're so prolific. <img border="0" alt="[clappy]" title="" src="graemlins/clappy.gif" />


#114873 April 6th, 2005 at 08:41 PM
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Gisela, interesting, Richter's has Purple Ruffles Basil seed eh? I sure didn't notice last year but then we got the Richter's seed at Humber Nursery in Brampton and got plants from Richter's Nursery itself. I'll definitely check that out when we go up there for plants this year.

I'd like to see an Ontarian gardener who can get good results with planting rosemary from seed. It's so weird for me as I'm orig from California where people grow rosemary HEDGES and it's used as an ornamental in parking lots. Sigh.

#114874 April 8th, 2005 at 04:34 AM
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woohoo the nasturtium sprouted. It sure took a long time but they are up. I'm looking for forward to see that container when all the plants mature.

#114875 April 8th, 2005 at 12:08 PM
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WOW, Gmom! Your garden is GREAT!! wavey

#114876 April 8th, 2005 at 10:48 PM
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This year I am not going to plant much, well that's what I say every year :rolleyes: . I have alot of plants that have to be divided and moved around.

I plan on planting yellow bush beans, scarlet runner beans,pickling cucumbers,lettuce,tomatoes,green peppers,onions.Also some rhubarb.

I have daffodils to plant. Black eyed susans,ruby eclipse sunflowers, regular sunflowers, maybe some lillies,lavender.

That's my for sure list. I know there will be more. Those garden centers just call my name. grinnnn

#114877 April 17th, 2005 at 08:44 PM
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Added 8 glad bulbs to my garden today. I've forgotten the color I ordered so it will be a suprise when they bloom.

#114878 April 19th, 2005 at 11:57 AM
Let's see....I bought 4 plants yesterday for a dollar a piece on clearance.....2 azaleas, and 2 wandering jews!!!!!! 4 bucks for 4 plants..... thumbup I also bought 10 daylilies yesterday. The wandering jews are super healthy too--nothing wrong with them--they were from the huge nursery about 10 miles away. The azaleas were on clearance from walmart on a rack screaming "RESCUE ME"... laugh I found 2 that looked healthy with new growth and I just couldn't pass them up!

I have a lot of seeds growing--marigolds, nasturtium, four o clocks, morning glories, cosmos, sunflowers, dahlias, hyacinth vine, oh and about 8 other kinds that my mind has went blank on right now. I planted about 50 corms and bulbs the other day....about 6 different kinds, including glads and freesias, and some I can't And I also planted 3 more that takes me up to 5.

Plus I already have in my yard 5 hydrangeas, 4 azaleas, a burning bush, 3 veronica, pinks, tickseed, 2 sedums, penstemon, bleeding heart, Hollyhocks, foxglove, dusty miller, tulips, daffodils, and 2 hostas. Now I just need to fill in the beds with annuals and vines...... thumbup

Dad dug me up 2 shrub like things the other day and I planted them, I'm not sure what they are--I always thought they were some kind of peony...but hopefully they take okay--last year he gave me 2 and they died....

Nothing better than playing in the garden at this time of year when it's not too hot, and it's not too cold.....I love it! luv

#114879 April 20th, 2005 at 06:16 AM
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Yesterday I planted all my potatoes (13 varieties) and set up a trellis and seeded my second planting of peas.

No gardening today, except for watering some flats of seedlings and a few potted plants. I went to Greensboro NC to tour the Bicentennial and Bog gardens and the Greensboro arboretum.

#114880 April 21st, 2005 at 03:01 AM
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Well, it's been in the upper 70's here,
and for April, that's just about unheard of....
So, I've been outside loving and charishing every
second... BUT ALAS, IT'S SAYING SNOW FOR THE WEEKEND!!!! mad :rolleyes: :p frown eek

But, I have planted peas and 2 kinds of lettuce's, Black Seeded Simpson and Romaine variety...

And in the greenhouse, I'd started some jalapeno's, cayenne slim's, green peppers, onions, zucchini's, accorn squash,
and 2 kinds of corn.
But I have no heat in the GH, soooooooooo I may not get anything, I have those little~GH's
inside the big~little GH, not sure if it will be enough heat kept inside though... we'll see....


#114881 April 21st, 2005 at 03:33 AM
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I don't know, but in service we had potbellied stoves with some kind of very slow burning fuel that didn't put out a lot of heat but enough. That and a vent and appropriate vent plate and maybe it would be good? I wish I had additional information on the heating fuel but I don't. Someone who served in Supply just might. Or maybe one of those Army Navy Stores would. It's just a thought and probably not a very good one.

#114882 April 21st, 2005 at 02:15 PM
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Jim and I have tomatoes, radishes, peas, corn, peppers, beans, cucumbers, okra, squash, and marigolds sprouting up in our garden. We put it a little farther from the house this year so we are hoping the deer don't take more than a fair share. laugh We put the new gazebo close to where last year's garden was.

This morning when it warms up a little I am planting some more irises (purple), rancunulus, and sparaxis in the front bed next to the house. I'd like to have a cut flower garden mixed in with my lorapetalum and heather bushes. grinnnn


#114883 April 21st, 2005 at 02:30 PM
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It got down into the 30's last night,
and is scheduled to be in the 30's over nights
for the next week... eek
Welllllllllll, it is only April, so I was
wishful thinking I guess............ Duh


#114884 April 21st, 2005 at 02:48 PM
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Something likes the weed patch. I planted a Dusty Miller earlier in the week and it's growing!!!!! About doubled in size as a matter of fact. I am pleased since it is growing in mostly dry clay. I ran out of potting soil and my local wally world doesn't have compost yet. Nor do they have mulch yet. When I bought it I thought I had a lambs ear but the tag says dusty miller. It's ok by me as long as it will grow.

I also put down the nicotine tea this morning around the peonies that are probably dead. The ants check out that area more often than I do so I figured; since, I made it I might as well use it.

The zinnia, portaluca, and calendum look like they are going to make it so far. They aren't growing fast but they aren't turning brown either.

#114885 April 21st, 2005 at 02:59 PM
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Weezie, I am sending you wishes for better growing weather! angell

Tammy, I think that I might have to try some dusty miller down at the end of the driveway after reading your post. There is an awful lot of clay there.


#114886 April 21st, 2005 at 03:20 PM
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I would love to think we had the same kind of plants in our gardens. I think I mentioned I had thought I got something else when I got these, so I know absolutely nothing about them. Except, they are kind of a light blue with white fuzz all over them. I don't even know if they flower. But they are doing well in clay so thick that when I water it down and break it up it drys up in clumps.

#114887 April 22nd, 2005 at 01:20 AM
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Let me add to this as well.

I have a new Garden spot this year it is so far 30' by 37' and will added on to as soon as I can clean up some more land.

But here it is so far

Asparagus is in a 10; by 15' bed.

Asparagus, Hybred
Asparagus, Jersey Knight
Broccoli, Calabrese Green Sprouting
Brussels Sprouts, Catskill
Cabbage, Fast Ball
Cantaloupe, Burpee's Ambrosia Hybrid
Carrots, Short 'n Sweet
Cauliflower, Early Snowball
Corn, Bodacious
Cucumber, Straight Eight
Green Onions Sets, Texas Sweet
Lettuce, Gourmet Blend
Lettuce, Simpson Elite, Loosehead
Pea, Little Marvels
Pea, Super Snappy
Radish, Cherry Belle
Spinach, Bloomsdale
Squash, Burpee's Hybrid Zucchini
Squash, Early Polifuc Straightneck
Tomato Better Boy
Tomato Cherry
Tomato Grape
Tomato Roma
Turnip Greens
Watermelon, Crimson Sweet
White Onions Blubs
Yellow Onions Blubs
pepper, Bell
pepper, Jalapeno
pepper, Habanero

Add I have Hardy Kiwi's to plant this weekend.

I have several more items to plant as well.

I also have Peaches, Plums and Cherries on the way.

Next year I will add a strawberry patch and a herb garden.

I am keeping a log of everything I grow and how well it grows. I also have maped the Garden to keep better track of it.

#114888 April 24th, 2005 at 01:07 PM
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I'm starting out a little smaller, and slower, than some of the rest of you. Since this is a new house, new flower garden, and my first serious attempt at gardening, my wife and I have decided on these items:

Asiatic lilies
Climbing roses
Tea roses
Strawberry container
Blueberry container

We'll see how green our thumbs are before the next step. So far, so good!!! wavey

#114889 April 24th, 2005 at 01:14 PM
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Hey Playing,

That's a wonderful start. You must be very self disciplined. I wish I were. I go in a garden center and go broke. Can't seem to help myself. A brand new garden to build. I hope you will do before and after pictures at each stage.

#114890 April 24th, 2005 at 02:03 PM
This is Chippy, he's my button buddy. We're glad your here. We both like nuts
laugh thumbup laugh

My first giggle of the day...thanks grinnnn

#114891 April 24th, 2005 at 02:33 PM
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Oh my gosh G-mom,

that's horrible. I think I would be thinking very nasty thoughts if that happened to me. Glad my little buddy was able to help out. He likes to help just like me.

#114892 April 24th, 2005 at 02:38 PM
I noticed it before I even had a cup of coffee grinnnn

#114893 April 24th, 2005 at 03:16 PM
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Thanks TKHooper!! In the past, my wife would pick out the flowers and I would just chunk them in the ground, with varying results. Now, after some success(at least everythings growing), I hope to have next years "Ooo-Ahhh" house of the neighborhood. Heh! Heh!! wavey

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