This is weird... brother called me up one day from work, and said he was killing time on the internet, trying to look busy, so he was just putting random words in google to see what would come up.
He put "soup beans", "wine" and something else I can't remember in google, and came up with a post on the forum here!
He clicked on it, and saw that it was by "afgreyparrot". He thought that was interesting, since he knows an African Grey Parrot...
So, he's reading the post and laughing his butt off, and it makes reference in it to "my cousin, Leslie". Hmmm...he has a cousin "Leslie", too...
So, he keeps reading and gets to the bottom of the post and sees that it's signed by someone named "Cindy".
HE has a sister named "Cindy"!
So...he called me up to tell me how coincidental that was...