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Joined: May 2005
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Joined: May 2005
it seems to fit in this forum best.

I've seen a reeeeeeeeeally cool looking dragonfly. I call it a 'samurai' dragonfly. It appears to have rectangular-ish wings...with the ends extending down in a square. Almost like a biplane. I don't know if it's just the coloration of the wings that makes it look like that, or if there's some type of dragonfly that does have 'flaps' like that. Any ideas what it could have been that I saw? It was more than once, that's why I'm leaning away from it being the wing pattern that threw me. Unless the same dragonfly came back to see me from last year - which I don't think is possible wink

Joined: Apr 2003
Joined: Apr 2003
I am no authority on dragon or damsel flies but I do think they all have round wings. It might be the type you saw.

beginners guide to dragonflies/damselflies

The dragonfly website

This site has great pictures.
Donna flw

Joined: May 2005
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Joined: May 2005
Thanks Donna - awesome sites!

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