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#132611 July 18th, 2005 at 12:25 PM
Joined: Jul 2005
topcat Offline OP
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To make working in my garden and yard easier for me.

To begin I suffer from Fibromyalgia, CTS, plus many other things that go with the Fibro.

I have broken every rule in my yard this spring/summer about not overworking, but as time goes on and things get done I find things that I do need suggestions as to easing the problem without it costing a fortune.

My main probs are that I can't stand for long, I can't sit for long and I can't kneel or crouch at all. Also because of the CTS I am now wearing wrist braces most of the time. The other problem is muscle related, some of my muscles get fatigued much quicker than others(hands arms legs)

I need ideas on how to find or change garden tools to allow me to use them in the braces, also some way of getting down to weed that is not going to stiffen up muscles to the point I can't get up.

Thanks for any help on this.


#132612 July 18th, 2005 at 09:50 PM
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You poor thing! I also have fibromyalgia, as does my husband. We always have lots of aches and pains this time of year! LOL!

I don't know what CTS is?

Have you considered having someone build you raised flower beds? I also have a planting table with a chair to sit in while I pot or repot. I put a lot of containers on our deck rails and in window boxes that are easier to work with.

Has your doctor reccommended any special exercises or vitamins or painkillers to help alleviate your symtoms?

#132613 July 18th, 2005 at 11:29 PM
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I am on several meds to control symptoms but we all know how well that can work!!

CTS is carpel tunnel syndrome

I can't have raised beds, nice though it would be, however we rent an apt in a 4plex. We are lucky we have a fenced yard, but it isn't very big it is approx 23 feet from my front window to the gate and about 18 feet from side to side. Next year I will be able to have a table and chair for repotting and such, this year I used the top of my dryer in the house or sat on the door step.

Later I will go thru my photobucket albums and see if I can find pics of my yard to post.

We don't have a deck just a door step(the orignal concrete step was too steep and then the bottom step fell thru so I have nice wooden steps now.

#132614 July 19th, 2005 at 08:54 AM
Joined: Jul 2003
Not sure if this resource is already in Merme's list, but here is the site:

#132615 July 21st, 2005 at 04:01 AM
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topcat, I apologize for not seeing your post sooner.

If you set your window for 45 days or more, you will see threads that might be helpful to you. There is one on ergonamically designed tools and adaptations for the hands and wrists, and other such useful topics as vertical gardening, etc.

I am trying to learn how to set up a link to my photo album so you will also be able to see photos and sketches of useful ideas, so that should be on here soon....keep checking back whenever you have the chance!


#132616 July 21st, 2005 at 05:19 AM
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Thanks Merme I did that. I should add too though that I don't have a lot of money to spend on items and don't have a credit card, So I would need to find stores localally to get items.

#132617 July 21st, 2005 at 06:58 AM
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CTS here is some cream that I bought when it was bothering me past the point where I could ignore it. I didn't hold out much hope that it would work but it did. 1-800-541-3550. Rather than a creditcard I think you could just mail them a check with a note about the product you wanted to buy. But you could call and check I guess. Then again maybe because of the other problem you have it would be a bad idea. I just thought I would mention it incase you could use it. It's a lot cheaper than the surgery my dad has and with this stuff the CTS hasn't come back.

#132618 July 21st, 2005 at 11:37 AM
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topcat, as we continue to develop more suggestions and possible ideas, I will specifically try to research things that might be available in your area and ferret out costs and cost-saving alternatives.

Together, I'm sure we can all pitch in to help figure things out that are best for you all the way around.


#132619 July 22nd, 2005 at 12:17 AM
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That would be great. Thank you

#132620 July 26th, 2005 at 02:57 AM
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I have severe back problems from an accident. I have been trying to adapt the best I can. You may want to talk to your neighbors and see if they would be interested in having a small garden club with you to help ease up the work load for you. You could help them get started and offer suggestions. This way you would only have to enough to keep yourself happy and some of the other residents can do the more labor intensive work.

#132621 July 26th, 2005 at 12:17 PM
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Tom nice as that idea is, my neighbours have a hard enough time keeping up with their own yards, or want mega money to help. I am looking for a kneeler that will flip over into a seat, right now I am using a white rubbermaid stool, it does help not to bend down so much. I am glad that I can make my own mulch as that means I am not trying to cart that across the yard too.

#132622 July 31st, 2005 at 01:22 PM
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I also have fibro and 7 other chronic diseases. My legs give out often, as I have neuropathy. I haul everything I use, tools in a plastic box, and the plants, and my stool, in a small red wagon. Comes in very handy & saves the aches and pains somewhat.

#132623 July 31st, 2005 at 11:34 PM
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Thats a really good idea except that my yard isn't big enough to use a wagon, it would be in the way when not in use.

I am hoping to get some extra help with the yard my son is on his way back from his dad's so he can help more.

#132624 August 1st, 2005 at 06:09 AM
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Topcat, I'd like to direct you to the thread Specialty Kneelers and Scooters in this forum.

In it you will find a description of the Easy Kneeler which sounds like the sort of thing you are describing.


#132625 August 3rd, 2005 at 11:53 AM
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Hi Topcat ~

A visit to the library might be useful for you...

"Adaptive Gardening Equipment" by Julia Beems gives detailed info on how to make homemade forearm cuffs for gardeners who need extra help holding a tool in the hand.

This may be worth a look.


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