To make working in my garden and yard easier for me.
To begin I suffer from Fibromyalgia, CTS, plus many other things that go with the Fibro.
I have broken every rule in my yard this
spring/summer about not overworking, but as time goes on and things get done I find things that I do need suggestions as to easing the problem without it costing a fortune.
My main probs are that I can't stand for long, I can't sit for long and I can't kneel or crouch at all. Also because of the CTS I am now wearing wrist braces most of the time. The other problem is muscle related, some of my muscles get fatigued much quicker than others(hands arms legs)
I need ideas on how to find or change garden tools to allow me to use them in the braces, also some way of getting down to
weed that is not going to stiffen up muscles to the point I can't get up.
Thanks for any help on this.