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#147119 January 26th, 2006 at 06:55 AM
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Triss I take a Bible to work with me to study while nothing is going on. Find a lot of time in early hours. I am studying the Maccabees in the Catholic Bible which is part of my collection as is the book of YHWH. I collect Bibles and find it very interesting as well as imformative.

#147120 January 28th, 2006 at 02:38 AM
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You can never learn enough Jimmy. I like to compare the different ways that different Bibles translate a verse. It always tends to give me better persepctive on what it means.

#147121 February 11th, 2006 at 09:05 PM
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#147122 February 12th, 2006 at 12:39 AM
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Not at all sure what that means but I'm going to take it as a sign to continue this topic. When I was with my dad I sat with him and read Psalm 100 to 150. Also 23 and 21 and few others. Two hours of reading Psalms beginning at 3:30 AM when I realized that all I was doing was staring at him. Psalm 150 ends with "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord". He died about 45 minutes after I stopped reading. Since then I don't seem to have the wherewithal to read anything in the Bible or anything remotely challenging for that matter. I feel too lethargic to do anything. I sit and watch TV and I don't even like it.

After Pete died I dove into the Scripture and was comforted by it. Don't know what's happening now.

#147123 February 12th, 2006 at 01:25 AM
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Originally posted by mrsmessy:
Not at all sure what that means but I'm going to take it as a sign to continue this topic.
Yes, that's it...
Thanks Bev!!! kissies thumbup grinnnn

#147124 February 12th, 2006 at 03:43 AM
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I too am very guilty of not having a specific Bible study and devotional time.
I tell myself almost every night when I go to bed that "tomorrow I will make myself get up before the boys and read and talk with God." That has yet to happen.
I do talk to God throughout my day as well as many of you, but I can't seem to make myself find the time to sit and talk and listen to Him.
I think part of why I have such a hard time reading and doing devotionals is that what I read doesn't seem personal to me and I don't feel that I get much out of it. Any suggestions?

#147125 February 12th, 2006 at 05:49 AM
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I think part of why I have such a hard time reading and doing devotionals is that what I read doesn't seem personal to me and I don't feel that I get much out of it. Any suggestions?
This reply isn't about the devotionals.
But I watch Joyce Meyer's alot in the morning and/or afternoons..
and I will have something happen in the course of the day, here, home, with hubby, with kids, with GOD, with giving, with my mouth and mind...
but Joyce's surman's will be on what it is that I'm having problems with.. and it's so ironic..
I'll be like, "HOW DID SHE KNOW?????????"

I am a work in progress, and HE still has alot of work to be doing with me.. I am know HE knows I am busy, am at least trying, and I think HE slides those things in along the way for me, and HE knows I hear it..and do soooooooo try to apply them, I hear them in the back of my head...

#147126 February 12th, 2006 at 07:25 AM
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Becky - I don't think the place or time of day matters a bit. I know that given my previous post it sounds like I don't read or study the Bible but usually I do. Sometimes I'll do it while eating lunch or even in the car in between appointments or errands.

The biggest motivator I had when my children were young was a Precepts Bible study at a local church (not my own). Once when we were studying Revelation I had the kids draw pictures of what I read them and taped them to the window (the wall would have been better). They began to encourage me to read them more so that they could participate. The discipline of having to make time to complete the homework that went with the class was a terrific motivator.

Without that accountability it's awfully easy to get distracted by chores, TV, or almost anything else. In order to make it personal you might want to try a topical study that is pertinent to you such as women of the Bible, or mercy, or the life of Christ - something that captures your attention. After my son died I must have read 1 & 2 Peter dozens of times because that was his name. I'm not sure that you need a better reason than a name that appeals. But if you are looking for a place to start Mark is an easy to read life of Christ written for gentiles. One thing that has never worked for me is starting at the beginning and trying to read through the Bible, skipping around works much better. thumbup

#147127 February 12th, 2006 at 07:46 AM
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One thing that has never worked for me is starting at the beginning and trying to read through the Bible, skipping around works much better.
I agree completely! thumbup
I've tried countless times to read from beginning to end and it just doesn't work for me. I find it more beneficial to find a topic in the concordance that I feel is relevant to me at that time and read that verse then the book that it's in. But I still really struggle with making myself find the time to sit down and read. There is always so much to do....

#147128 February 13th, 2006 at 02:16 AM
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I too struggle with that Becky. But I do like you do and use the concordance to find topics. I like that and end up reading a lot more that way cuz I always like to read what comes before and after the verse suggested to get a good feel of what is going on at the time.

#147129 February 13th, 2006 at 10:17 AM
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I have a question? If a tax collector was the ultimate scum of the earth of ancient Judaism, what kind of person fits that description today? Do we have such a person?

#147130 February 13th, 2006 at 10:35 PM
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That's a really intriguing question. My initial reaction was to be a smart mouth and say politicians but then I started thinking about who would I consider the lowest life form. (politicians were on the list along with gang members, abortion providers, wife beaters, and yes, still tax collectors among others) That made me feel pretty judgemental until I realized we all to some extent fear those who are different from us and the truth is there are some wonderful politicians, I'm right fond of a few gang members, I don't know any abortion providers, the wife beaters are covering so well I'm not sure who they are and I've meant some kind hearted tax collectors.

Maybe the one who best fits the description is the one that we feel most threatened by.

#147131 February 14th, 2006 at 12:57 AM
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Well since the jews were being ruled by romans when all is said and done I don't think a direct corralary can be drawn. I mean they let Jewish people do all the work i.e. tax collecting and governing but it was all according to how Rome wanted it. They were very canny overlords.

As far as the most hated for me it is the neo nazies. I mispelled that one I bet. They just so upset me that I can't think of the words to describe how I feel about them.

#147132 February 14th, 2006 at 01:15 AM
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If a tax collector was the ultimate scum of the earth of ancient Judaism, what kind of person fits that description today?
I think the correlary (not sure if I'm using that word right) person to a tax collector today is anyone that puts his/her own wants above others and most of humanity, anyone that is willing to let others suffer so they can gain (money, power, prestige, etc). I don't think there is one certain group of people, I think these people belong to all different cultural and society groups. That's just what I think.

#147133 February 14th, 2006 at 01:24 AM
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Very interesting question Bev. My first thought was child molesters. When we hear about a child being abused our heart goes out to them and our anger to the abuser. Even in jail where the lowest of the low reside, a child molester is on the lowest end of the feeding chain.

#147134 February 14th, 2006 at 01:38 AM
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Lot's to think about. One thing I do know is that redemption is available to all and sometimes the ones that I think are least likely to accept it are the ones that do. No one is immune from the work of the Holy Spirit.

#147135 February 14th, 2006 at 01:47 AM
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I agree there too. I believe that everyone who asks will be forgiven. I just have a harder time forgiving those who hurt others and when thinking about your question, that is what came to mind first.

#147136 February 14th, 2006 at 04:55 AM
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I too agree about the forgiveness discussion. Although I would have a really hard time forgiving some people that have done absolutely horrible things! It really puts it into perspective for me to know that if people like Hussein and bin Laden will be forgiven if they ask and truely repent, then I will be forgiven for all of my sins and stumbles. It just amazes me the love that God has for all of us, and all we have to do if just accept it. It often boggles my mind to think of the suffering that Jesus went through for a world that despised and rejected him, and that God sent him to be the sacrifice for our sins. Why would he do that? Then I think of the unconditional love I have for my boys (even though God's love IS greater) and it makes a little more sense to me. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for my boys if they needed it.

#147137 February 14th, 2006 at 09:54 AM
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There isn't anything I wouldn't do for my boys if they needed it.
Including disciplining them. We seem to think that God should only bestow "good" blessings to us...when actually there are those of us who need the disciple that he provides as well. I do not believe that God disciplines us by making "bad" things happen to us...we certainly wouldn't do that toOUR children...but he does allow us to suffer the consiquenses of our actions..


#147138 February 14th, 2006 at 09:55 AM
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Well, I guess that was WAY off the topic... laugh



#147139 February 14th, 2006 at 11:54 AM
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I don't think it was off topic - we are always more comfortable with God's softer aspects than the harder ones like justice but we can't have just the attributes that feel good to us because it isn't an accurate representation of God.

#147140 February 14th, 2006 at 12:03 PM
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GOD never promised smooth ride thru life...
and that there will be tribulations....

But HE does promise, as long as you have FAITH,
in HIM, he will bring you thru it...
And that is the time, in the valley's is when you will learn from it, be humbled by it, and learn to LOVE HIM MORE..
and to be more prepared/or content with the next tribulations...that you'll get thru and stand on the other side...

#147141 February 14th, 2006 at 09:02 PM
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GOD never promised smooth ride thru life...
and that there will be tribulations....
Don't I KNOW it!!! laugh

But...I can say...that I am finding it so much easier to put my faith & trust in him to work things out. He has been FAITHFUL to always direct me..if I will just listen. If nothing else..I have learned to be more trusting and have more faith through the ordeal with Taylor...even though I get down at times...I have really had a better "peace" within my heart the past few months as i see things unfold. I was in a position that I could do NOTHING to "fix" the situation and I had to trust him to open the doors...and he DID...and I am THANKFUL. It has helped having a group of praying friends here...we have felt every prayer that has been spoken on our behalf!!! It really is exciting watching how the direction he has lead us in unfolding....


#147142 February 15th, 2006 at 01:30 AM
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My natural inclination is to "do something". I always think that things will get better if I do something. But most of the time that something is just to wait on the Lord and let Him answer our prayers in His time. And, He's not very responsive to my demands that He do something NOW! Although that doesn't stop me from doing the same thing the next time.

#147143 February 15th, 2006 at 03:11 AM
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Including disciplining them
How true! God has been so faithful to me and I think I deserve to be disciplined more than He has.
He has always been there for me and taken care of me, but unfortunately I can't say the same about myself. He saw me through a rough marriage and rough family life, being homeless with a baby, then through many moves, a divorce and now He is with me as a single mother. I know that I am not doing this myself, He is doing most of the work. People ask me how I do it and I have to tell them I don't, God does. I would not have survived my life if not for Him.
I still really struggle worrying about finances and how I'm going to possibly pay all the bills, but I'm starting to realize that there is always just enough money to survive. I don't always get everything that I want, but I always have exactly what I NEED.
I am so grateful that we a generous, loving, merciful, and forgiving God, but also that he will chasten us when we need it. I know that without the chastening I would never learn.
I am also thankful for this forum. There is so much love and support here; I am very glad that God lead me here.

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