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#156004 March 12th, 2007 at 09:14 PM
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kennyso Offline OP
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keep us updated! I'm getting jealous, my still haven't poked up yet, but they should any day now!

#156005 March 13th, 2007 at 12:19 AM
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Yes Kenny They will!! thumbup

Mark yours look Great!!!

Yesterday I actually planted one in the ground Experimenting again!!!! thumbup

#156006 March 13th, 2007 at 06:04 PM
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Yours look great Mark!!!!

I have been thinking mine has out grown my lights so I have to move it and I think I need to put it into a bigger pot, but am afraid to since it is so large. Anyone have any thought about this? I also would like to suggest that everyone might want to fertilize theres with a weak solution or someone might be brave enough to try it and let everyone know. shocked I Just found out that with my last transplant that the some of the soil I used was mixed with miracle grow potting mix, which had been mixed up for something else I planted and I thought it was just plain potting soil. So fertilizing may help everyone else???? That might have been why I lost my second plant if there was too much miracle grow potting soil in that pot..Fertilizer burn??? I need to pay more attention when mixing soil up and label it when I store it for future use to make sure I am using the correct soil.

#156007 March 13th, 2007 at 06:27 PM
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Will get a couple of pics and post them that its fixed!!!

#156008 March 13th, 2007 at 07:42 PM
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i remember reading somwere there bigest pot to be planted in is a 3 gal pot,

cant wait to see your pic penny! laugh i woulda like to see the look on your face when ya went to toss em out ans saw they sprouted laugh thumbup ........ grinnnn

#156009 March 13th, 2007 at 08:57 PM
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Thanks, everyone kissies

Comfrey.. I'm already testing different soil types[seed starting mix, potting mix], so why not fertilizer! laugh laugh

I'll be the test subject thumbup

#156010 March 13th, 2007 at 09:07 PM
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so what exactly is this wonder egg plant?
a white eggplant?
inquiring minds want to know... smile

#156011 March 13th, 2007 at 10:52 PM
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Hi all,

Just read the latest with everyone's wonder egg plants. Mark, yours are looking good. And Penny, I too can't wait to see pics of yours. Shirley 4, congrats, sibyl, hang in there, kenny cheromi. Angelblossom, yours look fantastic! Seems your plan for sun light is working. Comfrey, wow, again. Seeing blooms are really something. And to think mine were planted on Dec. 19th and are so small. Wish I had used a grow lamp. I can't complain though as I have not had to replant seeds. First time around was a charm for my little wonder egg seeds as they did not fail me. They are very small, but, are holding on.

I finally transferred some to 4 inch pots and one in a 6 inch pot. I still have some in one of the original pots and wished I could give them to those who are trying all over again.

Here's a look at mine. These pics were taken close to a week ago. I took them outside for direct sunlight twice since the pics were taken.

[Linked Image]

Another pic

[Linked Image]

#156012 March 13th, 2007 at 10:59 PM
Joined: Jul 2006
I've got new sprouts and so far they are looking good. I tried the baggie thing this time. When should I stop putting a baggie over the pot? Now that they've sprouted or wait? Thanks for your help.

#156013 March 14th, 2007 at 03:38 AM
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Stephanie..Your plants look nice and healthy!!!

Mark any all purpose plant food would work, just use a diluted mixture.

Chermoni...If they have sprouted yes remove the plastic & congratulations on getting sprouts!!!

Here is a picture of my only plant I have left, it just keeps getting bloom after bloom, I can't wait until the eggs start forming.

[Linked Image]

#156014 March 14th, 2007 at 03:49 AM
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Originally posted by patunia:
so what exactly is this wonder egg plant?
a white eggplant?
inquiring minds want to know... smile
I searched through the archives, but the beginning of this thread doesn't seem to exist anymore. But to try and answer your question...I believe it is related to egg plant, but is not really eatable, as it is very bitter. It is just kind of a novel plant that has real looking eggs on it, the seeds are expensive to buy and most of us traded or received seeds from each other. Here is the info on it that I posted a couple of threads ago:

Wonder Egg plant- Solanum Ovigerum

-Small bright purple flower
-White egg Fruit that turns yellow, orange & finally brown when done or ready for seed harvest
-Annual, set outdoors after danger of frost is past
-Grows 3' tall...plant 9"-1" apart
-Produces egg shaped fruit in 2 months, Bearing 10-20 eggs per plant
-Needs Full sun

#156015 March 14th, 2007 at 03:54 AM
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I know i need to put mine in a bigger pot...I am thinking of just breaking the pot and trying not to disturb the roots or plant as much as possible and sit right into a pre-filled pot with the right sized hole in the middle for the plant and soil, do you think this might work and not cause trauma to my plant???

#156016 March 14th, 2007 at 04:42 AM
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Comfrey your plants had looked so healthy I can't imagine you having on one left!! I still have all six of mine, and they are getting so big! I'm going to have to do something with then. I had some miracle grow mixed into my potting soil?! Duh
You said they bear fruit in two months. Mine will be three months old tomorrow!! No egg babies! I thought it was you who should us egg babie? If not who was it? I can't remember.

#156017 March 14th, 2007 at 07:17 PM
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I have blooms so the eggs should be coming soon...And it has been just shy of 3 months for mine. I started my seeds Dec 15 Had sprouts Dec 20-22. But those facts probable pertain to a plant grown outdoors also, so not too bad for indoor grown.

One of my plants I lost because it became root bound and I didn't realize until it was to late, it didn't survive transplanting and the other plant I looks pitiful, but still has a couple of leaves and one bud, but I don't believe it will make it.

#156018 March 14th, 2007 at 07:47 PM
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Bev, I can't believe how healthy your plants look and how much they are growing. Mine seem to be at a standstill and I have them under grow light...


#156019 March 14th, 2007 at 08:16 PM
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kennyso Offline OP
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Despite prayers, music, and reading to them, the seeds haven't more try, I have a feeling this is going to be success! Comfrey, have you tried to pollenate by hand? That's what I do with my jerusalem cherry. I remmeber reading somewhere that tomatoes can be hand pollenated and so can anything in the same genus, but you have to do it aroun dnoon or something...I'd just try for the sake of it:D:D:D

#156020 March 14th, 2007 at 10:18 PM
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Kenny-- are you covering it with plastic wrap, and keeping the soil moist? Duh

Well, I was able to get some miracle grow all purpose plant food, and put some of it into my spray bottle... let's see what happens! thumbup

#156021 March 15th, 2007 at 12:02 AM
Joined: Jul 2006
I'm just hoping that these sprouts don't decide to lay down and call it quits like the last ones did. So far so good. Oh, Mark, those basil seeds you sent me are growing really good. grinnnn

#156022 March 15th, 2007 at 12:08 AM
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Cheryl, my cinnamon basil is up really good too!

#156023 March 15th, 2007 at 12:37 AM
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Cheryl- those sprouted already? laugh laugh grinnnn

That reminds me... I started blue boy bachelor buttons on Saturday night... Yesterday morning I had sprouts! grinnnn Now THAT'S quick laugh

Shirley, I have yet to start my herbs.. everything else is started.. laugh

#156024 March 15th, 2007 at 01:54 AM
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I repotted four of my wonder eggs today into 4 inch pots. Hope that will give them a thought about growing up to fill them......

#156025 March 15th, 2007 at 04:50 AM
Joined: Mar 2006
Wow Bev! The plant is difiantly getting bigger and bigger! I'm surely seeing a HUGE difference! I haven't started mines yet, but FOR SURE Tomorrow! Thank you so much! I will surely keep you updated here for sure! This will be my first plant that will produce an egg other than my CHICKENS! HAHAHAHA

As soon as it gets pretty big could I plant it in the ground??

#156026 March 15th, 2007 at 04:53 PM
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Yes you can plant it in the ground, and it doesn't need to be very big to plant outdoors. In your climate it will probable do great. We all found that if you just barely cover the seed and keep moist with a cover over the pot & also heat seems to help them sprout better and quicker. Good Luck Michael!!!

#156027 March 15th, 2007 at 06:56 PM
Joined: Jul 2006
Mark, I planted the basil on the same day as the wonder eggs and the basil sprouted 3 days before the wonder eggs did. I've never grown an herb before and I thought it would make a good kitchen plant. On the wonder eggs, I have 7 sprouts and they are all looking really good so far. Reaching for the sun we've been getting. I keep having to turn the pot to get them to not all lean in the same direction. No sign of them laying down so far (knock on wood).

#156028 March 16th, 2007 at 04:06 AM
Joined: Mar 2006
Thank you Bev for all your advance help! I will hope for the best. Just planted them this evening and I'm expecting 80s until Monday at least. I have 6 pots ready to go!

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