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#27146 July 30th, 2005 at 05:38 PM
Joined: Jul 2005
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Joined: Jul 2005

I am growing 2 aubergine plants in the conservatory, they are both flowering now and setting fruit, but on one plant leaves are starting to wilt. It is not over watered/under watered and I have had it out of the pot to inspect the roots for pests etc and the roots look healthy and not rootbound.

Any Ideas?

Many thanks


#27147 August 10th, 2005 at 07:28 PM
Joined: Apr 2003
Compost Queen!
Compost Queen!
Joined: Apr 2003
To the top!!!


#27148 August 11th, 2005 at 04:05 AM
Joined: Jul 2003
Hi Ivor,

Glad you found us.

Welcome to The Gardener's Forum from the San Francisco Bay Area, California.

Please check:

if the leaves roll downward, generally on all plants, with no yellowing or new leaves and no stunting, then it is just a Physiological leaf roll. It is very common symptom, not caused by pathogen. No action is needed.

if the leaves wilt and eventually yellow and turn brown; and if tiny white flies flutter around when distured, then the probable cause is Whiteflies.

You can buy and use commercial yellow traps or make one yourself. To make a trap, paint a piece of 1/4" board with bright yellow paint, attach the board to a pointed wooden stake that can be driven into the soil near the eggplant(s). Mix one part petroleum jelly or mineral oil and one part household detergent, then brush it on the board.

Or, spray the eggplant(s) with insecticidal soap. Be sure to spray the underside of the affected leaves.

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