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#27338 August 1st, 2005 at 02:12 AM
Joined: Jun 2005
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Joined: Jun 2005
I put a couple of clumps of non-spreading bamboo next to fence over which I needed an 'obnoxious neighbor screen'. I also bought Golden Bamboo and put it into a large container and put it right alongside the Fargesia Robusta (in the ground.) My question is about the Golden.
It is in a large ceramic, dark blue container. It gets virtually full sun. This was it's first full year with me, and it put up some nice new culms (maybe about 4-5. However, the older culms don't *seem* (to the best of my knowledge) to be filled out and lush as they should be. Now the newer shoots (which have gone wonderfully tall) also don't seem to be filling out as much as I think they should.
Should the leaves all be a rich green color, or is loss of leaves (from older stalks) and slightly yellow color typical of the Golden?

What I'm expecially wondering is if the dark blue ceramic pot could be heating up the soil beyond plant tolerance?? If so, any options beside repotting? (This is a BIG plant, and I'm afraid of really damaging it if I attempt to repot.)
I also am suspicious of a drainage problem (not due to lack of holes, but because the water simply seems to pool on top before finally penetrating the soil..)

Any ideas?


#27339 August 2nd, 2005 at 02:26 AM
Joined: Jul 2004
Joined: Jul 2004
Sounds like a plan - I like it.

Hey, you new? If so, welcome, welcome.

#27340 August 2nd, 2005 at 02:33 AM
Joined: Jun 2005
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Joined: Jun 2005
Yup pretty new here.
What plan did you like? Did I have one?? frown

I'm hoping there is a 'boo' fan somewhere on this forum, but beginning to doubt it.

>>> maybe someone can suggest a good forum with bamboo enthusiasts.


#27341 August 2nd, 2005 at 02:53 AM
Joined: Jul 2004
Joined: Jul 2004
Planting the bamboo at the fence for privacy - I like that a heck of a lot better than plastic strips through the chain link.

Whenever I hear of somebody doing something natural, like bamboo, I think it's a good plan.

Plastic is one of the world's worst inventions - we're stuck with it now; I think the thing to do is just re-use it for something else, rather than put it in the recycle - they just melt it down and make more plastic stuff - yuck.

We still have a bit of that plastic stripping on the parking lot fence here at the building but it looks ok, so we never took it off. But I wouldn't go to the trouble of putting any more up. I prefer wooden trellis work, or like you, planting something nice like bamboo.

I don't really know a thing about growing bamboo 'cause I've never done it, so I can't advise on it.

I know I like bamboo curtains and wall hangings -and poles that are bamboo. So I guess I might think about planting some.

Good luck with getting your growing problems straightened out - I'm sure somebody here will know what to do.

#27342 August 2nd, 2005 at 12:30 PM
Joined: May 2005
Joined: May 2005
Hi Kath, Welcome to the forum!

Sorry I'm not a 'boo' fan (per se) wink but I did find this link that I thought might be helpful. wink

I love the look of bamboo - and keeping it potted calms the fear of 'invasive spreading'. it's so unique...I think I need some now! laugh

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