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Joined: Mar 2005
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Joined: Mar 2005
Hi everyone!
My garden is going great--except for my Sugar Snap Peas & Green peppers. They were so good for a while & now have stopped flowering & producing!!Anyone have any ideas on what is going on? I stopped feeding them as I read where too much nitrogen could be a problem. By the way, the leaves look real good--nice & green & leafy. Tried composting around them this morning to see if that helped.

Joined: Apr 2005
Joined: Apr 2005
Spider Lady,

All peas only produce for so long. The recommendation is to sow every two weeks for a continous harvest. Of course I don't know anyone who has enough space to keep sowing another row of peas every two weeks.

Joined: Apr 2005
Joined: Apr 2005
The green peppers are more of a mystery. If there is too much nitrogen, it may take some time for the nitrogen levels to drop in the soil. Not much you can do about it. If you used a chemical fertilizer, you may be able to flood it out with a serious drenching of the soil.

It could also be a phosphorus deficiency. Phosphorus is very important for flower production. What were the numbers on the fertilizer you were using? How often were you fertilizing?

It could also be weather related. How has the weather been in your area? peppers like it hot. If it suddenly got cool, they may not flower. That's a bit of a stretch in the middle of summer though, but you may be in a more mild zone. Do you know what growing zone you're in?

BTW what kind of peppers are they; sweet bell, banana, hot, etc?

Joined: Mar 2005
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Joined: Mar 2005
Hi PAR...
Thanks for the info. I did plant my S.S peas late. We only moved here last Aug. But next year I'll have to trudge through the snow & mud & get those seeds going. I do have the room, so will keep it in mind to plant more often.

As for the peppers, we're on the edge of zone 3 & 4 up here in northern VT but have been having a hot, humid summer--Bad for me; good for tomatoes & peppers. It has cooled down to the low 80's, but I shouldn't think that would matter, although our humidity went down also. I used Miracle grow for all veggies & only used it once & twice. I'll have to check on the phosphorus. I noticed this a.m that I have 2 peppers (Sweet Bell) on the one bush & 2 on the other but no more blossoms. At the same time my tomatoes are falling over with blossoms AND tomatoes as is my Zucchini if that's any help.
BTW, I agree with your quote 100% I LOVE composting!
Thanks again for your help. Lynne

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