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#28578 August 9th, 2005 at 08:16 AM
Joined: Jun 2004
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Alex got this tree last year for Earth day. It was the first tree we ever planted, & it's been doing great. However, when our shed was delivered, the driver had no other recourse but to drive over it. It got bent over, but didn't look toooooo bad, at first. It has one "booboo" on the trunk. But, it's starting to go brown all over the needles all of a sudden. I don't know if it's in shock, or if it's dying, or what. Here's a photo of it now..

[Linked Image]

#28579 August 9th, 2005 at 08:51 AM
Joined: Jul 2003
it could possibly be shock.I'd keep it watered and mulch it a lil for moisture retention and maybe it'll swing through.
If the earth day thing was through arbor foundation they will replace trees the 1st year if something happens.When they get planted the 1st few years they are setting their tap root down deep.then when its starts to grow upwards.

oh...and some stuff like small breaks can heal over.I know its not all trees& can't rember if pine was one of them.....I know my oak is one.

#28580 August 9th, 2005 at 08:54 AM
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No, it wasn't one of our ADF trees. It was given to her from the FFA at school.. older kids had bagged them up for the elementry kids to take home & plant a tree. It's a loblolly pine tree. Anyways, I will keep it watered & just keep an eye on it. The damage didn't look all that bad.. but the sudden browning.. well, that didn't look so good.


#28581 August 9th, 2005 at 09:34 AM
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Put an umbrella or something to shade it..
And give it a splash or foliar feed of some
fertlizer with a high middle number...
Do it early in the morning, and put
the umbrella up..

If it's hot and sunny on it,
it's hard to heal yourself up if you were
hot and tired.. and hurt...

Give the fertilizer everyother day..
light solution..

May help the shock..

#28582 August 9th, 2005 at 05:49 PM
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I have some pelleted fertilizer for evergreens.. not sure of the middle number tho, need to check. Think that may be good?

It's overcast today, with some rain here & there. Still need an umbrella?

Every other day fertilize?? oooooook..

#28583 August 9th, 2005 at 07:34 PM
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Not with the pelletized kind...

Liquid to be able to do a foliar feed..
(or the powder/crystal kind you put into water)

When a plant is planted, uprooted, shocked,
etc... it's temporarily lost it's ability to
take up nutrients thru it's regular means...

What you do is mix up the solution into a gallon watering can, or a sprayer and water the leaves/plant and it absorbes nutrients thru it's
leaves until it can get back to better health....

I like the Schultz Plus, 10~60~10....
but anything with a higher middle and or last number..

#28584 August 9th, 2005 at 07:41 PM
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The umbrella is for the heat....
Just keep it so it's not getting too hot...

Think of yourself if you were just run over
by a big heavy truck and you were left there
with some injuries, not life threatening,
but were just left there to recover in the HOT/HUMID conditions of the days past while injuried...Unable to get something to drink or eat...
You'd be pretty cranky yourself...
*I know I would be..* wink

#28585 August 9th, 2005 at 08:26 PM
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okie dokie. I'll run out today to get something liquid with the higher middle number. Spray directly on the tree/branches, check.

Thanks weezie. I know if it lives, it'll be because of your help. If not, it's just because I maybe didn't act fast enough. *fingers crossed*

I did tell Alex I'd get her another tree if this one didn't make it. I'm thinking of a different kind of pine tho.. (I'm not really crazy about the shape of the loblolly pines when they are grown.)


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