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#29465 August 11th, 2005 at 11:48 AM
Joined: May 2005
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Joined: May 2005
Well, I hope I didn't make a mistake. I found a $3 'mystery lilac' on ebay, and bought it. They weren't positive it was white, because it lost it's tag, but I was willing to take it whatever color it ends up.

It was shipped on Monday, I assume by priority mail, but still isn't here - hopefully will be here tomorrow...but still, with this heat, I'll be lucky if it survives.

I think it's coming bare root, wrapped in peat moss. Any thing I should do other than give it a good soak when I get it before planting? I was thinking I should probably let it sit in a pail of water for a few hours. Duh Then shade it after planting. I just hope at this point it's still alive - and I can keep it that way! Thanks!

#29466 August 11th, 2005 at 07:05 PM
Joined: Jul 2004
Joined: Jul 2004
Wow! I am going to take a cutting off a tree - I keep meaning to do that - and try to get it going.

I did take one but it didn't do much. I should have started in the house first.

lilacs are my favourite blooming tree in spring.

#29467 August 11th, 2005 at 08:48 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
Mr. Radio
Mr. Radio
Joined: Sep 2003
Letting it soak for a bit sounds like a good idea. Mix a bit of bone meal or potash into the soil and keep it well watered. Don't fertilize it for at least a month with any N based fertilizer. As doing that will burn off the new roots.

#29468 August 12th, 2005 at 06:48 AM
Joined: May 2005
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Carly - I tried taking a cutting, but had no luck with it. Not to say I won't be trying again! I definitely will be.

Thanks for the advice, Mike. Surprisingly it was still green and not shriveled after 3+ days in a box in really hot temps. I'm impressed. I soaked it for a few hours, and then planted it shaded and watered...I hope it takes...I'll probably just give it some compost tea in a month or so instead of store bought fertilizer. Thanks!

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