I think what Longy is leading at is that avocado produce not only both male & female
flowers in the same
tree and but
flowers are further classed as type A or B.
flowers of type A varieties are receptive to pollen in the morning, but don't release their pollen until the afternoon of the following day.
flowers of type B
flower varieties are receptive in the afternoon, but the pollen insn't released until the following morning.
That's where Longy said, you would need another avocado
tree for full fruit production. If space is limited,
plant 2 or more different varieties of avocado in the same hole slanted out to prevent overcrowding.
The varieties available in Florida are: Booth 7, Brogdin, Choquette, Gainsville, Lula, Mexicola, Monroe, Pollock, Simmonds, Tonnage, Waldin, etc..