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#31774 July 16th, 2005 at 02:06 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
Corgi17 Offline OP
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Joined: Aug 2004
A couple weeks ago while we were on vacation, someone missed our driveway and ran completely over our peach tree. I was too upset to clean up the mess so I just left it lying there. It was broken off at ground level, except for a very small part. I went out today to look it over again and the leaves aren't even drying up so it must still be getting water from the roots. The tree was about 2 inches in diameter and about 12 feet high, it also had approx. 30 peaches on it. Is there anyway this tree can be saved? I don't suppose if you made a clean cut above the break and stuck it in the ground, it would grow roots again? Or maybe we could figure out a way to brace it back up? I'm open to any suggestions. If it can't be saved, fine, just thought I could try something since it's trying so hard to live.

#31775 July 16th, 2005 at 06:41 AM
Joined: Jun 2005
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Joined: Jun 2005
Often times fruit trees a homeowner has are dwarfs (or semi-dwarfs). This means the roots are from a different tree/shrub and the full sized fruit tree was grafted on so even if you could root a 2 inch diameter tree it's not likely what you had growing, size wise.

Try a splint? Support it by tying it to a triangle of stakes and see if it works. If it is a dwarf, it's the only way to try and save the tree.

(A dwarf peach should mature at 12 to 16 feet tall, about half the size of the peach tree.)

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