Aloe is an independant
plant, it likes to be left to it's devices, if you fuss with to much it will suffer for it. My poor aloe has had a rough life sence I got it early this summer, I started not giving it enough light- it's branches got all droopy, mushy, and dark. then I over watered stripping away all the roots. It looked just miserable until I took it outside in the sun and left it to take care of itself. I just repotted it and it has huge roots, and bright color, all it's branches pointing to the sun. The lesson with Aloe is less is more, give it as much sunlight as possible, and only a small amount of water now and then, and leave it alone. They are nearly indestructable if you just let it be. I am amazed my
plant is still alive, several times I didn't think it would make it.