I's sure that all of you at The Garden Helper have heard this all before. I purchased a large, healthy gardenia in the late
spring. Since I live in
zone 5, I decided to leave the
plant outside in it's container so that I could bring it inside in the winter. When purchased, the
plant had many nice, fat buds. Only one bud ever made it to flowering...the others simply fell off of the
plant. Now, the
plant looks healthy, shiny and green. It, however, does not
flower! I have it located on my deck where it receives full sun until around noon. The rest of the day it gets bright light, but not direct sun. In the early evening it, again, gets a little full sun. I keep the soil moist, fertilize about every two weeks with a bloom boosting fertilizer. What the heck am I doing wrong. I know gardenias are tempermental and stubborn. So am I! I am not giving up. I want
flowers! Am I doing something wrong or is there more I can do? Thanks for any suggestions--I will try them all. Thanks.