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#36765 July 21st, 2005 at 01:56 AM
Joined: May 2005
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Joined: May 2005
I was psyched we had a peach tree. The fruit, unfortunately, got invaded by some burrowing bug as soon as it showed up. I've got some nice sized peaches on the tree now - but wouldn't think about eating it because of all these creatures that have either nested or fed (I don't know which). Here are some pics of the peaches, though I don't know that I did a good job showing the gooey sap that formed what looks like a gall on the outside of the peach around the hole made by the burrower.

In the top cluster of 3, the one on the left (on the bottom of the peach) makes the damage done most visible of all in the picture. Unable to get a closeup, but this has been going on since the fruit first appeared - first it looked like a blob of clear stuff bubbled over the hole. I hope that makes sense. Looking for suggestions for next year so we might be able to eat some!

[Linked Image]

Here are some closer pics of some...none really show the damage as described above, but do show black spots...not sure what that's about either.
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Thanks for any insight!

#36766 July 21st, 2005 at 04:13 AM
Joined: Jun 2005
Joined: Jun 2005
wavey Hi Mary,
Have you cut into them to see if all is damaged? Sometimes you can eat what's left, and it's good. We had a peach tree in Calif and it sometimes had that clear stuff, but the fruit was still ok. Duh Sorry I'm not more helpful. shocked


#36767 August 10th, 2005 at 07:32 PM
Joined: Apr 2003
Compost Queen!
Compost Queen!
Joined: Apr 2003
I was just going over the photo's too,
I would have said gab the same thing..
Have you cut into the fruit Mary???
Sometimes damage that looks like that is
just a surface damage to the skin and very
outter layers...

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