Just about everything I have on the table garden which gets full sun right up till around 1:00 pm, has been moved, at one time or another, to 'under' the table ledge at the north end of it.
I find that helps when a
plant is limping.
Another thing I do is take pots of stuff that need a good spritz up by the fence where it gets the benefit of the neighbour's sprinkler.
I live in an apartment building where my husband is the super/manager. The owner does not like us using the water on a steady basis, i.e., sprinkling - can't blame her - we're not on a flat rate and utility bills are astronomical in the summer. What with air conditioning and water? Whew! A lot of consumption - a lot of people taking showers, sometimes two or three times a day.
What can you do? It's summer - and they say summers are going to get hotter and hotter, so humanity will have to adapt to it.