Pull one off the side, and look at it..
You'll see layers of the petals..
and a stem..
and roots should be coming off the stem like
or under from the area of the leaves..
If it's older and it's starting to push it's self
out of the ground....
you can leave the stem, pull one or two of four
of the base leaves, expose new leaves,
and stick it on top of the dirt, covering the stem with dirt...
****Gosh, what I wouldn't give for a pencil****
The roots will come from that stem..
but they also can come from under those leaves
and you don't want to put the leaves under ground,
should stay on top of soil....but make good contact with the soil...press it in just a wee~bit..
water a little bit.. but not wet...
They are quite hardy...
Experiment..with a few...
And they like just regular garden soil..
nothing added..*maybe a tiny bit of compost*