While in Wasaga last week, I noticed someone had done something with more or less the same kinda' patio stone layout I had to work with.
What could have been about 15 dull stones arranged in one flat square, was made interesting by taking out the middle ones - about 9 of 'em. Then they dug a hole and bordered same hole with rocks the size of volleyballs.
What did they put in the hole? Scrap branches, etc. I thought it might have been for a fire at first, until I noticed their fire patch was a few feet to the side.
If I'm here on this lot next
spring, I might keep that in mind.
I kinda' like what I've done with them now, but I liked that better.
Oh, wait'll Jeff hears he might be movin' a few of those patio stones back - hee hee!
If ya' wanna keep a man,
Keep 'im busy . . .
Who said that? Bessie Smith? Janis Joplin? No - Janis said 'don't treat one man too well'. She said a lotta' things but she's not sayin' too much these days, eh?
Oh, well - who wanted to look at an old Janis Joplin anyway.