I don't really 'know' a lot about grass keeping, but here's what I'm observing.
I live in Toronto and we've had the same drought -we still haven't had enough rain, even though there was a couple of days drizzle recently.
Here's what I'm seeing - green is coming through right now - it seems the brown grass has
seed, 'cause when you rake at it, it promotes the green to come in.
That's what I'm doing - raking, cleaning and getting up as much stone and small bits as I can. Once the rains come again, I think it will green up more.
So it's there.
Another thing I notice - if I've been raking in a spot, taking out
weeds, dried leaves, etc., the birds come along to eat - here's two reasons why that would be;
1) the grass
seeds are under the brown blades;
2) the worms are attracted by the raking and come to the top of the soil.
Like I say, I don't really 'know', I'm just telling you what I've been seeing.