Hello and good day everyone,
I have some questions I would like to ask concerning herbs. If these questions have been asked/answered elsewhere, my apologies. I would appreciate any help that can be offered.
First of all, I live in Washington state. The temperature has been very warm for us as of late( 80-90's) so that might influence a few of my questions. The soil that I have used in all of my containers with the varied herb
seeds is Miracle Grow soil.The containers were clean when I began and the
seeds " soaked" in paper towels before being planted.I did cover the herbs with saran wrap and kept them indoors until most of them sprouted and then put them on my balcony( I live in an apartment)The balcony receives full sun for most of each day. This is the first time I have ever tried to
plant and grow anything. My main gardening interests of heart at this time are edible herbs and fragrant herbs.I hope that was enough information to begin with...LOL.
Onto my questions if I may:
1. In planting the herbs, I planted Rosemary as well in the manner described above. This was about two months ago. It has never sprouted, any idea why?
2. In "pinching" back the herbs, do I also do this to the Garlic Chives( about 4 inches high), the fern dill( 4 inches as well) and the Thyme( barely sprouted)?
3. Does anyone have an recommendations for some hardy, easy to grow herbs for this area of the country, for the beginner that is?
4. Anyone have any ideas on herbs,
plants or
flowers that would attract and hold the attention of an Autistic child? My son is six and very interested in the gardening process but has a short attention span and frustrates easily.
5. I also have an outside very small Bonsai
tree. I tried to grow it indoors, but it was turning brown and failing so I put it outside in the sun. It is now browning as well and refusing to grow no matter how much I trim, water and talk to it..lol. Any ideas?
I believe that is all for now..whew!~ Also I wish to note that I am on an incredibly fixed income and have no transportation except for bus( Ford is sick..sigh) so going to nurseries and carrying heavy items would be very difficult.
I thank you all for your time and consideration of my questions. I hope I have not pestered too much if these were already answered questions. This forum is huge! I have read much but with the amount of information here, it will take me months to read it properly and digest it all.