Okay, so here is the deal....
2 days ago I went down to one of my
flower beds and noticed one of my cosmos had been fully uprooted....not just knocked down, but totally out of the ground--roots and all, with a hole where the
plant had been....
Well yesterday I found 2 more like that....
Today I found one of my sunflowers all wilted and pulled out...
Any ideas what it could be???? My yard is chain link fenced and I'm pretty confident that it isn't a person...I did spot a cat in one of my beds the other day...would a scraching cat do this? My neighbor told me that certain black birds will mess with your
flowers, and they weren't very big
plants...Maybe a foot tall....so is this a possibility--my feeders are near the areas of pulling. And then mom said maybe it was a mole/vole, but I don't know if they would do something like this or not....There was a possum in the yard the other day but I don't thing they would mess with my
Every morning I go check them now in case the serial
plant puller has striked again....It's starting to make me mad
...I've lost 3
plants now because of it.... :p