I believe the rubber
tree requires a great deal of light.
I have my first indoor jungle started now after years of killing off everything I bought. I like starting from
seeds so I don't have to worry about bringing pests or diseases in from infected
plants but that's just me. The primary concern I'm learning is how much sun does the
plant need to thrive. So I choose the location I want to put a
plant in and then choose the kind of
plant that would be happiest there. I have southeast facing windows so I have
succulents and tropical
plants in that window in the living room. And for each
plant I have a fact sheet that tells me how to care for it. And I keep the fact sheets in a garden log that I started this year. Next farthest away from the window I have
plants that don't require as much light like caladium and coleus. They both like more moisture than the ones in the window too. Well except for the purple passion that likes lots of water.
You will find many many
plant profile fact sheets on this website. For both indoors and outdoors
plants. Spend some time and look over what is here. I'm sure you will find everything you need. If not please ask.