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#40091 July 30th, 2005 at 02:28 AM
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Hi I am Jennifer. Right now I have a rubber tree, an ivy and I do not even know what the other one is. I never remember the names of the plants and i never know what kind of plants to get. I know that alot of my plants end up dying on me or turning brown or turning yellow and then dying on me. I am always either giving it too much water or not enough. For some reason i never pic the right plants or never have the right environment. I need help picking plants!!! I love plants I love talking to them and taking care of them but I dont know what I am doing wrong. half the time when I buy a plant the name of the plant is not on the plant so i never know what instructions to follow or where to find instructions to follow. I want lots of plants in my house but i seriously need some guidance as to what plants to have and how to care for them. Can you please help me. I dont want to pay olot of money I always try to start them from babies so should I be buying one that is grown or should i buy them like i am now. as you can see i really need help, sp please send me on the right path LOL.

Jennifer laugh

#40092 July 30th, 2005 at 02:37 AM
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Pothos, wandering Jews, spider plants, dracaenas, Christmas cactus, snake plants are all good plants to try. They are quite tough, and all can be propagated very easily so you'll have more/bigger plants.

Geraniums (pelargoniums) are easy windowsill plants that also do well outdoors. You can get a seedling and watch it grow, grow from seeds, or cuttings.

There are many great places on the internet where you can research about specific plants to see if their growing requirements are right for your home.

#40093 August 4th, 2005 at 05:06 AM
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I would apreciate any help or suggestions on plants

#40094 August 4th, 2005 at 05:06 AM
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Thanks for your help. I will try those!!!! I seem to be having trouble with my rubber tree, 2 days ago it started wilting away and now 2 of the trees are turning brown and dying off but the third is standing strong, is my plant diseased? I bought the plant from walmart LOL and there is 3 trees in one pot? should i transplant? when should you transplant? I dont know what to do, I try so hard and it just never works out. I had a wandering jew and it grew well, i love that plant if a piece breaks off you can stick it back in the dirt and it will grow, even a spider plant or most plants you can see if you have given them too much water or not enough same with sun well this rubber tree is dying from the bottom up. I am so lost, please help me keep this plant alive.

#40095 August 4th, 2005 at 06:13 AM
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I believe the rubber tree requires a great deal of light.

I have my first indoor jungle started now after years of killing off everything I bought. I like starting from seeds so I don't have to worry about bringing pests or diseases in from infected plants but that's just me. The primary concern I'm learning is how much sun does the plant need to thrive. So I choose the location I want to put a plant in and then choose the kind of plant that would be happiest there. I have southeast facing windows so I have succulents and tropical plants in that window in the living room. And for each plant I have a fact sheet that tells me how to care for it. And I keep the fact sheets in a garden log that I started this year. Next farthest away from the window I have plants that don't require as much light like caladium and coleus. They both like more moisture than the ones in the window too. Well except for the purple passion that likes lots of water.

You will find many many plant profile fact sheets on this website. For both indoors and outdoors plants. Spend some time and look over what is here. I'm sure you will find everything you need. If not please ask.

#40096 August 7th, 2005 at 02:54 AM
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from canuck to canuck,why don t you try sketching your garden on paper noting also where the north is,s,w and east. so when you get to the nursery or to wallmart show it to someone there that copuld help you find the right plants according to the sketch.

then in the fall you can (or before) make a scrapbook of the flowers you liked and the ones you didn t;also noting where you put it in your garden and if they grew well there etc...

that s what i do and it s wonderfull specially when you start gardening;in winter(you know our canadian winter) i bring all my flowers and plants in the garage and separate them to make twice as much,i also plant some seed that grows during winter and are ready when comes time to transplant in the garden.i put neons and fan and heat the garage and it perfect,by the same token it s a good way to propagete and save a bit a money at the same time and it s fun...

good luck with your hochey team this winter,i like the flames.

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