Hi if you like tomatoe soup you will love this soup. My mom and her family use to make this and it is very good. Makes store bought taste like plane juice.

14 quarts of ripe tomatoes
7 med. onions
1 stalk celery
14 sprigs of parsley
3 bay leaves
14 TLBS of butter
14 TLBS of flour
3 TLBS of salt
8 TLBS of sugar
2 tsp. of pepper

Wash and cut tomatoes. Chop onions, Celery, Parsley,and Bay leaves. Add to tomatoes, Cook until celery is tender. Put through seive. In a small bowl rub flour and butter until smooth. Thin with juice add to boiling soup. Add salt,sugar,and pepper, if you want it smoother, run it back through the seive. Fill hot jars, leave 1 inch head space. Process in hot water bath for 15 minutes.
Makes 10 pints or
5 quarts.