What are those, or I should say, which are those?
The hard dried nooldes, like a bread like mixture
or the one's you'd cook and they
spring up real big???
I have seen those both in a liquid form and a dry form?? Either or work??
Just curious???
Sorry about the measurements I just experimented until I came close to what I ate at the restaurant.
I do that too, I never measure, I shake and cover and add and never make up a recipe..I am so bad!
Sorry if I confused anyone. I probably should have been sleeping instead of being glued to the computer. This forum is just so addicting:)
Haaaaaaaa ain't that the truth...
And we go like this alllllllll year round..
(specially in the winter time and all that yucky
weather and holidays.. we do lot's of recipes
come that time of year too!)