I was only going to add, ashes can be good
for your soil or compost, just in small quantities...
It has potash (potassium), **Potassium (K)
Potassium is absorbed by
plants almost as much as nitrogen. It helps with the building of protein, photosynthesis, helps the fruit grow and helps ward off diseases.**
Wood ashes do raise the soil pH;
But putting on the ashes during the middle of the winter is good, but make sure it's rototilled or shoveled in and under and incorporated, because it shouldn't touch germinating
seedlings or
plant roots cause it cause's the roots to burn.
Use the woodash roughly 20lbs per 1,000 square feet.
Andddddddd NEVER use coal ashes, they are poisonous to your soil...(*and
plants uptake*)
~~~>We used woodashes in our gardens too...
for as long as I can remember..
A light sprinklin' over the soil in the winter time...
We also used it in our driveway, our driveway was on a slope on a side of a hill, and sprinkled it along the path up/down for traction on top of the slippery ice...