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#85760 August 7th, 2005 at 09:19 AM
Joined: May 2004
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Can anyone tell me what this is. I started a bunch of seeds last year and tried to keep track of what I planted but didn't succeed very well.

I thought this was Candy Tuft..but it sure doesn't look like what I remember on the seed package.

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These were little yellow flowers that bloomed on this plant in June I'd say.
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#85761 August 7th, 2005 at 10:23 AM
Joined: Jun 2004
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hmm.. leaves remind me of smaller version of my broccoli leaves, and the tiny yellow flowers remind me of what my broccoli did when it flowered.. so did ya plant any broccoli??


#85762 August 7th, 2005 at 10:42 AM
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There's a picture of the broccoli flower at the above site. Is that it?

#85763 August 7th, 2005 at 11:13 AM
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Originally posted by Meg:
hmm.. leaves remind me of smaller version of my broccoli leaves, and the tiny yellow flowers remind me of what my broccoli did when it flowered.. so did ya plant any broccoli??

Nope didn't plant any broccoli and would have no idea how any got into my garden *L* I had another plant back there next to it that was a mystery to me as well. Have no idea where these things are coming from. This plant was very fast got enormous and had these medium sized yellow floweres on it...before it bloomed I thought it sorta looked like Calendula but it definetly wasn't. I have since pulled that plant because it was starting to overrun the garden. This one isn't so fast growing and I haven't pulled it because I'd like to know first what the heck it is.

#85764 August 7th, 2005 at 06:53 PM
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Well, sometimes the birds or the wind will be helping you plant your mystery I know that there are times I wonder, "how in the heck did this get in here!" but then, oh yeaaaa.. the birdss musta left me thier goodies. laugh

I really think it may be a broccoli plant, but they are a cool season plant, and will flower when it's really hot. You say you pulled it up already? Did you keep it anywhere? Can you get pictures of the bottom, where it came out of the ground, or describe it? Did it look like a thick stalk underneath it? (Did ya see any small icky green caterpillars!?) laugh Ok, I know, lotsa questions.. only answer the ones that you


#85765 August 8th, 2005 at 09:55 PM
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I haven't pulled this plant that you say looks like Broccoli. It wasn't taking over my garden like the other mystery plant so I've kept it. When I looked at the link you gave for broccoli the little flowers were similar but not quite the same. It flowered like I say in about June and then developed seeds in these long thin pods. I cut those off and kept the seeds. I'll have to take some better pictures of it. That will have to wait though...going camping for a few days. Post them when I get back. wink

#85766 August 9th, 2005 at 12:27 PM
Joined: Jul 2003
Another link on broccoli plant with pictures of flowers.

#85767 August 9th, 2005 at 08:33 PM
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No, it's not broccoli, but it IS a close relative--kale. It's also a member of the cabbage family, but notice the really grey and frilly leaves. This is typical of some kale varieties. Broccoli (and cabbage and cauliflower) have smooth leaf edges.

#85768 August 9th, 2005 at 10:45 PM
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I agree with obywan-Kale was my first thought too. What temps does it take to make kale go to flower anyway?

#85769 August 13th, 2005 at 02:36 AM
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Originally posted by papito:
Another link on broccoli plant with pictures of flowers.
Wow I just went to the link and I have to say these pictures were better. The flowers and seed pods look almost exactly like what I have but maybe it is kale..I dunno..if kale has the same kinda flowers and seed development I'd say it could be kale. The picture of the broccoli also shows the flowers coming up from the middle of one plant. Mine has branched.

I'll take more pics later today and post them this evening.

#85770 August 17th, 2005 at 05:07 AM
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More pics of my Kale? I guess

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