Went on a pic taking spree yesterday afternoon.
#1 This is an annual I bought at wally world, I think. All the info I got was annual, full sun!
#2 I can't get RID of these things. I've been calling them green briars, but they kinda look like blackberries to me. They pop up everywhere I don't want them, are on runners. They're nearly impossible to defeat. They have thorns.
#3 This is a
tree we cut down but it sent out new branches from the stump. It's
growing too close to the front steps and has to go no matter what it is, but if it's nice I might try rooting a branch
#4. Okay, Im hoping this isn't purslane again, and is actually the mexican petunia
seedlings. Couldn't find it on theseedsite.
Think that's all for today! Thanks