LOL! But I shouldn't laugh - at one time I owned a lot of them and had no idea what they were called.
I bought two little stubs of it in 95 at a church bazaar, put them in bigger pots and they exploded. At the end of each summer, I re-pot my table garden to go inside - I end up with so much of this stuff - at Christmas I used them for gifts. Little pots of kalanchoe and everybody is still marveling at their little
This one is a different kind, I think. When I saw the box, I thought 'gee, that looks more like my kalanchoe than anything else - just another kind.'
Well, I'll see what the one pot does in the ground. Another one was given away - I have six left - like I say, I'll put them in various places and leave them in their pots.
Then I'll have to get 'em ready for coming indoors. Ohhhhhhhhh!