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#93879 July 17th, 2005 at 07:51 AM
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I don't think I'll ever run out of em!

Mystery #1 [Linked Image]


Mystery #2
I don't know if these are baby mystery #1s or what
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]


Mystery #3
This one kinda looked to me like morning glory - but it's not growing like a vine. The leaves seem to be opposing.
[Linked Image]
I tried bending it sideways, but not sure that will help you see it better
[Linked Image]


Mystery #4
Here is a vine that keeps trying to choke my malva zebrina - I thought this was MG too, but not sure?
[Linked Image]

#93880 July 17th, 2005 at 07:52 AM
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Mystery #5
May be I shoulda put this in the herbs forum. It's some kind of mint, I'm wondering if it's spearmint? I dunno...smells nice though. Spreads like mint too wink Purple-ish flowers which butterflies or moths (I don't know which they are shocked appear to like)
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

#93881 July 17th, 2005 at 07:53 AM
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Mystery #6 alien pattern

Here's my Malva Zebrina leaves...something is leaving this white pattern on it - but not eating it. I would have thought snails, or slugs...but they're not munching anything in the area, so I can't imagine what it could be. It's not's like someone came with some acrylic paint and painted this pattern on the leaves (aliens in my backyard?)

[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

#93882 July 17th, 2005 at 10:40 AM
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Compost Queen!
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Holy Cow Mary, You're giving MEG a
good run for her money with your weed pictures...
LOL!!! Winkin' atchya!!!

I can't remember now, gotta go back and peak at the numbers again...
#1. Duh
#2. It's a type of wild geranium, but can't remember the exact name..It'll come to me...
#3. Duh
#4. That is Wild Morning Glory

#5. Looks like CATNIP or CATMINT???

#6. Leaf Minors (doesn't really damage plant,
looks unsightly, but should pinch off the damaged leaves and burn..
It's bug, that lays' it's baby's in the leave
and then wiggle thru it when hatched....
**That's the best discription I can give**

#93883 July 17th, 2005 at 10:42 AM
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For the #1.,
I need to see the bottom,
and how it works......

On runners, at each leave node, they're able
to root????

If it is, then it's ground ivy..
With some good dirt...

#93884 July 17th, 2005 at 11:01 AM
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Compost Queen!
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Also for #1...
Upper left hand corner.... Wood Sorrel

Upper right hand corner....
Pink knotweed

The lower right hand corner, that's green and white...

Bishops Weed (I don't like that plant, it's very invasive and very hard to get rid of..
It's great for holding back a bank or something,
nothing will ever escape it..)

Lower middle, the leaves are chewed up on it,
looks like Pigweed thumbup crit

#93885 July 17th, 2005 at 11:01 PM
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Thanks Weezie! you'd be proud, I did ID the wood sorrel wink I think the knotweed was IDd by you here a few months back too wink

#1: As for the workings of that #1 mystery, I happened to notice that one root that you see going into the ground on the right of it is from that right leaf. Oh, and I've got a ton of bishops weed in that spot...I've been keeping it pulled back to that one area, it takes a lot of maintanance - it's getting between my sedum now, and hard to get all of it pulled (hard to see it all) but so far it hasn't spread too far...figure if I keep it contained it's okay (for now) it's around my tiger lilies Got that pic in May. I think what you IDd as pigsweed is eastern black nightshade Whaddya think knotweed & nightshade ?

#2 - cranesbill geranium?

#5 - Definitely not catnip. I dont think it's catmint either - these flowers are tuft-y like...puffy kinda, too small to see 'petals' if that makes sense. Hmmm....

#93886 July 17th, 2005 at 11:10 PM
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Oooh Oooh...thanks to JV over in whats bloomin, I ID'd the mint - Spearmint! Wahoo!

#93887 July 18th, 2005 at 05:44 PM
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Wow, so cool.. lotsa mysteries! Weezie, she is definately trying to take away my crown of weed id'ing.. LOL. I guess maybe I better get my camera out & start shooting more of them! laugh


#93888 July 18th, 2005 at 11:10 PM
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laugh I dunno Meg - you sure get some pretty ones. Mine are just...well...weeds! I really enjoy trying to ID them, though I know I don't have a chance in h#ll to beat Weezie to the punch, even if I CAN find it! laugh laugh laugh

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