Here is some information I found on the squash bugs . I know its a tedious process to keep them off the
plants this way , but I get up early anyway , long before anyone in the house. At night I put a board or piece of roofing shingle in the garden near the
plants . I go out first thing in the morning with a bucket of water and turn the board or shingle over and drop the bugs into the water and drown them .
Here are a few other ideas I found on them .
Vine crops.
Sucks sap and injects a toxin that causes wilting and death.
Predator Insects:
Tachinid flies.
Natural Insecticides:
Sabadilla, rotenone and pyrethrum.
Other Methods of Control:
Hand pick bugs.
Keep the garden free of debris and hiding places.
Use trellises to raise the
plant off the ground.
plant marigolds, radishes, tansy, or nasturtiums nearby.
Dust with wood ashes or lime.
Use row cover.
I prefer a non pesticide , organic if you will , approach to all my gardening .